University of Virginia Library

Tougher Rules

The 60 emerged from the Ferris
library yesterday morning.
Afterward, Victor F. Spatheld,
Ferris president, announced tough
new rules providing expulsion and
criminal prosecution for anyone
inciting campus incidents. Ferris,
located 50 miles north of Grand
Rapids, has 8,200 students, 300 of
them Negroes.

Striking teachers voted Sunday
night to return to work at San
Francisco State. They had been
threatened with cancellation of
their classes. About 300 of the
school's 1,300 teachers were
involved in the eight-week strike.

The student strike, led by the
Black Students Union and the
Third World Liberation Front,
continued at San Francisco State
and student pickets remained
posted around the campus. San
Francisco State College has 16,000

A student committee seeking
changes in grading procedures,
comprehensive examinations and
rules on cutting class launched the
teach-in at Loyola, which has about
13,000 students.