University of Virginia Library

Basic Question

The first basic question, said Mr.
Calvert, is whether or not a write-in
name would disqualify a whole
ballot. When asked by The Cavalier
Daily whether a write-in would
negate the entire ballot, Mr. Calvert
said he felt that it would not.

The second issue to be discussed
at the meeting is whether or not the
committee will count the write-ins.
Mr. Calvert felt that this did not
seem likely, for the simple reason
that in the future the committee
would become bogged down with
too many write-in votes.

In a letter circulated by the
First-Year Committee, the
committee expressed its feelings in
the following manner:

"On December 16 and 17, the
students of this University are going
to be faced with choosing between
a feasible solution to a pressing
problem or a course of apathetic
withdrawal.... The facts are before
you, the rest is up to you as a
responsible voting member of this
University. Vote for first-year
representation.... vote for