University of Virginia Library


In these vague times when heroes can't be found
And metaphor is smothered in cliche;
When relevance is something of the past;
Where life's a well wrought side show outside life,
What logic's left that shows us we should live?
At 21 years old, they'll say I'm free,
But you know what that heady freedom means
I'll just become a slave to added things
And lose the last of my security.
What logic's there to show me I should live?
As years slide past, I'm told I must accept
Positions of responsibility;
Self-concious then off all my chronic flaws,
Deficiency's a source of greater pain.
What logic's left to show me I should live?
I'll turn to human love for a reprieve
And find fantastic sweetness - for a while
But you who've loved know love's unending costs
In hours wasted searching for ideals.
What logic's there to show me I should live?
The old man's eyes have lost their questioning;
Awaiting death, the rotting mind is calm
To think on life? To think? Ridiculous:
Death shows a warmer aspect then the past.
What logic's here to justify my life?
What logic's here to show me I should live?
Cowed Aristotle cries into his beard.
Chill winds, and sapless leaves hurl taunts at him;
The squeaking wobbling globe grasps out a groan:
"What logic's here to show me I should live?"
— Chris Thaiss