University of Virginia Library

Misinterpreted Motion

In reply to Mr. Snyder's condemnation,
George McMillan
said "I think this motion has
been largely misinterpreted. I
have talked to Joe Fioravanti this
past week and he has agreed to
go ahead and put out as many
voting boxes as possible."

Frank Homer then moved that
voting hours in the College be
extended to 5 p.m. Foster Witt
spoke against the motion saying
that he thought there were ample
opportunities for students to vote.

However the motion passed
with Mr. Witt casting the only
dissenting vote.

Mr. Fioravanti, Chairman of
the Political Societies and Elections
Committee, reported that
nine of the 21 candidates running
in the College elections had
requested that their political
parties be placed on the ballot
along with their names.

Mr. Fioravanti reported that
the question had come up for a
vote in his committee and it was
decided "with one dissenting
vote, that students should run as