University of Virginia Library

More Included

"Our original plans were to
include only first-year men in our
protest, since we felt they were
the ones least represented on the
Council itself. We soon found,
however, that so many students
and faculty members believed
they were being misrepresented
that they asked to join in. We
now have a great number of students
saying they will participate,
and quite a few faculty members

"We plan a very well-organized
demonstration. It will be quite
sedate, there will be no banners
or singing allowed, no posters,
and no disruption. We just want
to snow that there is student support
against this suspension
strong enough to protest our
principles at their meeting.

"We want to make sure the
Council knows it just can't drop
or suspend this rule every time it
becomes convenient to expedite
their situation."

The protest is being organized
through a committee, said Mr.
Simon. "We represent all segments
of University life—faculty
members and members of all
sorts of student groups. I would
like to emphasize that we are in
no way affiliated with any particular
group such as the SSOC
or any others, nor are we forming
any organization."