University of Virginia Library

Different Image

There is a complete honesty
about the hippies that many
press characterizations miss. Not
only is it an honesty which
permits no stealing, but it is an
honesty with oneself. Most hippies
realize that they are presenting
a facade. "The big hangup
with most of us," one told
me, "is that anytime things get
rough, we can return home and
our parents and 'the good society'
will welcome us back with
open arms. We try to be as different
from the society we
dropped out of as possible, but
there are actually close ties.
Many of us receive money from
home as well as clothes and
food. It makes it rather hard to
believe we are really alone and
free." The hippies haven't
dropped out of society completely,
for this is impossible. All
societies borrow from each
other, and the hippies know