University of Virginia Library

Heights At Haight

The heroes come and go. Jimi Hendrix, Ken
Kesey, Emmet Grogan, and The Switchboard are
currently enjoying heights of popularity. Although
there are a few negative positions in the Haight,
Vietnam tops everyone's list. President Johnson also
is the subject of much wrath, while Governor Reagan
is considered a joke.

The hippies have established a way of life. Their
appeal is not solely to the young, although it is
primarily from youth that the cult receives its contingent
of followers. The basic credo of "allow all,
demand nothing," is loosely followed.

The hippies were created out of a society in which
to disrupt the norm is not forgiven. And for their
punishment the hippies have been harassed, exploited,
and publicized to such a great extent that
the majority of the American public holds in its
mind numerous misconceptions of this new society.