University of Virginia Library

Never Defied Federal Law

"I've never defied a federal
law," said Mr. Wallace, "But if
I were President I wouldn't let
Communists run wild in the name
of academic freedom. You can't
have safety, it's impossible to
convict a man. . . . And they
say we've got to protect academic
freedom and individual

"The intellectual incompetents
on college campuses think they
know better than the man in the
street." The result, he said, is
destruction of property rights.

"They put human rights above
property rights in Russia and
China," he said.

Mr. Wallace commented on
the integration attempts of the
federal government. "Bathrooms
have nothing to do with civil
rights, only property rights."

"But," said Mr. Wallace, "I
have never been against civil
rights." He reiterated that such
matters were for the people to

"The New York Times and
the beards supported Mao over
Chaing, then Ben Bella, then Castro,"
he stated.