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The following re-appointments were announced:

  • Mr. Brian M. Austin as Assistant Director, Student Counseling Center, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Mr. Thomas W. Best as Acting Chairman, Department of German Literature, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Mr. Robert T. Canevari as Dean of Students, for three years, effective July 1, 1973.
  • Mr. Fred A. Diehl as Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Mr. Edgar A. Eldridge as Director, Financial Aid to Students, for two years, effective July 1, 1973.
  • Dr. G. Slaughter Fitz-Hugh as Chairman, Department of Otolaryngology, for one year, effective July 1, 1973, or until a new chairman is appointed, whichever is the shorter period.
  • Mr. Carroll A. Gardner, Jr., as Special Assistant to the President, for one year, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Mr. Thomas J. Gates as Associate Director, Student Counseling Center, for three years, effective July 1, 1973.
  • Miss Janice R. Hellman as Assistant Director of Career Planning and Placement, for one year, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Miss D. Jane Ikenberry as Assistant Dean of Students, one-half time, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Miss Barbara A. Kelly as Assistant to the Director of Intramurals, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Mr. James W. Ramsey, Jr., as Assistant Director, Financial Aid to Students, for one year, effective July 1, 1973.
  • Mr. Arthur F. Stocker as Chairman, Department of Classics, for five academic years, effective September 1, 1973.
  • Colonel John E. Strever, Jr., as Chairman, Department of Military Science, for two academic years, effective September 1, 1972.
  • Mr. James O. West as Assistant to the Director, University Athletic Programs, for one year, effective July 1, 1973.
  • Dr. Donald J. Wright as Director, Computing Activities and Director, Region II Computing Center, State of Virginia, for one year, effective July 1, 1973.