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The President announced the the gift of the property at 21 University Circle by members of the
Thornton family, which the Board had agreed to accept at its meeting on 1 June 1962 (Minute Book,
University of Virginia,
No. 12, 1 June 1962, p. 335), had now been completed. He therefore proposed
the adoption of a resolution of thanks which was adopted, after numerous expressions of appreciation,
as follows

WHEREAS Miss Janet Thornton, Miss E. Rosalie Thornton, and Mrs. E. Carter Thurman have made a
gift of their property known as "The Terraces" at 21 University Circle along with certain tangible
personal property to The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia subject to a life
interest, and

WHEREAS the generosity of the donors in this instance is especially gratifying as a mark of the
continuing relationship between the Thornton family and the University,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that we hereby record our deep gratitude for these gifts and direct the
Secretary to transmit a copy of this resolution to the donors as a mark of our warm appreciation.