University of Virginia Library


In order to provide better service, to conserve the time and energy of the staff in care of
private patients and to derive a larger income for development of the Medical School and Hospital,
it is recommended that physicians services to private patients be organized on a cooperative

To implement this recommendation, it is proposed (at such time as proper physical facilities
can be provided and the details can be worked out):

1. That a group clinic be established, to include all members of the clinical staff of the
University Hospital who are appointed on a geographical full-time basis.

2. That a clinic manager and secretarial and accounting staffs be employed by the clinical
staff to handle the business affairs of the clinic.

3. That a Private Clinic Committee be elected by the clinical staff annually and be delegated
responsibility for determining the administrative policies of the Clinic including the
Central Billing Office. The Dean of the Medical School shall be a member of this committee