University of Virginia Library

Addition to Interne's Quarters

President Darden called in Mr. Frank E. Hartman, Director of Buildings and Grounds, and requested
that he go over the Bids received January 13, 1949 on the Addition to the Internes's Quarters.
Mr. Hartman presented a copy of the bids received, as listed below.


BIDS RECEIVED AT 11:00 A. M., E. S. T. JANUARY 13, 1949

Bidder  Base Bid  Alt.#1
Harry D. Graham  $148,750  $1,865  $434  $5,785 
Charlottesville, Va. 
Bid Bond 
Graham Brothers 
Richmond, Va.  150,500  1,785  500  5,650 
Bid Bond 
J. F. Barbour & Son 
Roanoke, Va.  153,994  1,374  299  6,611 
Bid Bond 
E. I. Leander 
Charlottesville, Va.  159,333  1,342  309  5,717 
Bid Bond 
Conquest, Dunn & Potter 
Charlottesville, Va.  163,911  1,600  826  5,917 
Certified Check 
Charlottesville Lumber Co. 
Charlottesville, Va.  166,366  817  561  5,292 
Bid Bond 
Abbott & Ritchie 
Richmond, Va.  169,902  1,331  546  5,737 
Bid Bond 
Doyle & Russell 
Richmond, Va.  172,970  876  762  6,253 
Bid Bond 
Wise Contracting Co. 
Richmond, Va.  177,842  1,037  600  5,397 
Bid Bond 
Thorington Const. Co. 
Richmond, Va.  179,757  1,216  357  5,392 
Bid Bond 

Mr. Hartman then read a copy of a letter of January 14, 1949, addressed to President Darden,
in which it was pointed out that the credit offered for Alternate #1, substitution of flat roof over
pitched roof on the rear of the Addition, was $1,865.00 and that the credit offered for omission of the
Elevator machine (elevator shaft and elevator doors to be installed now, with elevator to be installed
when the money is available) was $5,785.00, and that if we accept these credits we would still require
$17,910.00 to enable the contract to be let.

Mr. Hartman pointed out that the Art Commission had approved the plans with either a pitched
or flat roof on the rear as satisfactory.

The plans, showing flat and pitched roof, were reviewed by the Board. The President recommended
that the alternate plan for this building, with gabled roof in front and small flat section in
the rear, be approved. After a full discussion Mr. Anderson moved that the flat roof be approved and
the credit of $1,865.00 be accepted for this change. This was duly seconded and approved. Also the
omission of the Elevator was approved with the credit of $5,785.00.