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On motion, the Board approved the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee by the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Higher Education has made recommendations relating to the public responsibilities of boards of visitors each of which is endorsed and supported by the Board of Visitors of the University;

WHEREAS, the Rector of the University appointed an ad hoc subcommittee of the Board of Visitors to study the recommendations applicable to boards of visitors and to recommend action required to assure that the Board of Visitors of the University is discharging its fiduciary responsibilities in accordance with the Commission's recommendations;

WHEREAS, the ad hoc subcommittee has prepared the report (see Attachment A) indicating with respect to each recommendation applicable to boards of visitors whether the policies and procedures followed by the University's Board


of Visitors are in compliance with the Commission's recommendations and, in the few instances where that is not presently the case, the action required to bring the Board's policies and procedures into full compliance;

RESOLVED that the attached report of the ad hoc subcommittee is accepted and approved by the Board of Visitors;

RESOLVED FURTHER that in those few instances where current board policies and procedures are not in full compliance with the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission the implementation plans set forth in the attached report be undertaken promptly to assure full compliance with the Blue Ribbon Commission's recommendations relating to boards of visitors.