University of Virginia Library


The President reported on the results of a study by the Comptroller of the fee structure of the
University. This study indicates the need for a comprehensive fee consisting of the total of all
University-wide fees now charged students in the College and the schools at Charlottesville. He
therefore proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that,
effective 1 September 1963, a comprehensive fee be and it is hereby established in the amount of
$87.00 per student, the proceeds of which shall be allocated as set forth below

Athletics  $26.00 
Student Health  30.00 
Student Activities  7.00 
University Union  14.00 
Class Affiliation  4.00 
Library Building  6.00 
$87.00, and 

RESOLVED FURTHER that the adoption of a comprehensive fee shall not be construed to eliminate or
affect in any way special school fees now charged to students in a particular school or in a particular