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The following resignations were announced:

  • Dr. Mett B. Ausley, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pathology, effective August 15, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Kenneth A. Carle, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, General Medical Faculty, effective October 31, 1991, to enter private practice.
  • Mr. Tony L. Crunk, Lecturer in Commerce, effective January 15, 1992, for personal reasons.

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  • Dr. Karl Eurenius, Professor of Internal Medicine, Salem Program, effective August 8, 1991, for personal reasons.
  • Dr. Daniel P. Harrington, Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, General Medical Faculty and Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, effective September 30, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Sandra D. Hobbs, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 6, 1992, for personal reasons.
  • Ms. Suzette M. Kimball, Research Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective October 5, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Michael S. Lundy, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, DeJarnette Center, effective June 1, 1991, for personal reasons.
  • Mr. Klaus D. Luthardt, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective April 1, 1992, for personal reasons.
  • Ms. Joyce F. MacDonald, Lecturer, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective September 30, 1991, to accept a classified position.
  • Dr. Takamichi Matsuki, Research Assistant Professor of Physiology, effective November 28, 1991, for personal reasons.
  • Ms. Sheila McMillen, Lecturer in English, effective January 15, 1992, to write a book.
  • Mr. David G. Meyer, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective January 15, 1992, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Ravinda Munshi, Research Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, effective August 31, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Brent M. Myers, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, effective October 2, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Mr. David J. Rissmeyer, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Western State, effective August 10, 1991, for personal reasons.

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  • Mr. Jerry D. Rupert, Instructor, General Faculty, effective September 7, 1991, for personal reasons.
  • Dr. Charles J. Schleupner, Professor of Internal Medicine, Salem Program, effective August 24, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Gregory G. Simoncini, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective August 1, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Mr. Dennis Slon, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective August 30, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Ms. Sally B. Smith, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective August 31, 1991, for personal reasons.
  • Mr. Terence K. Smith, Research Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, effective October 31, 1991, for personal reasons.
  • Mr. William R. Stewart, Jr., Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, effective November 25, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Michael D. Sussman, Professor of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation and Professor of Pediatrics, effective December 31, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Kuldeep Teja, Associate Professor of Pathology, General Medical Faculty, effective October 31, 1991, to accept another position.
  • Dr. Frederic B. Westervelt, Professor of Internal Medicine, effective June 30, 1992, for personal reasons.
  • Mr. David G. White, Lecturer in Religious Studies, effective January 15, 1992, to pursue independent research.
  • Ms. Ellen W. Wilfong, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Dejarnette Center, effective August 2, 1991, for personal reasons.
  • Dr. Maryanne D. Williams, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, effective October 5, 1991, for personal reasons.
  • Ms. Linda C. Winner, Assistant Professor, General Faculty, effective October 1, 1991, to accept another position.

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  • Dr. John J. Yazel, Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, General Medical Faculty, effective December 31, 1991, to accept another position.