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I.—Ancient Languages.



In this school are taught the Latin and Greek Languages;
the Greek and Roman History, Geography, and Literature;
and the Hebrew Language. The instruction is given partly
by lectures and examinations, and partly by comments on
portions of the text-books appointed to be read by the students.

In Latin there are two classes, a Junior and a Senior; and
so in Greek.

The text-books used in the several classes are chiefly the

1. In the Junior Latin Class: Zumpt's Latin Grammar,
the Professor's "Exposition of some of the Laws of the
Latin Language," Virgil, Horace, Cicero's Orations, and
his Epistolæ ad Diversos, Terence, and Cæsar's Commentaries;
the last chiefly with a view to the written exercises.

2. In the Senior Latin Class: Zumpt's Latin Grammar,
the Professor's Exposition, Horace, Juvenal, Livy, and

3. In the Junior Greek Class: Kuhner's Elementary
Greek Grammar, Xenophon's Anabasis, an oration of Demosthenes,
Herodotus, and a play of Euripides or Æschylus.
The Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell and Scott is that

4. In the Senior Greek Class: Kuhner's Larger Greek
Grammar, Euripides, Sophocles, Thucydides, and Homer


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5. For the Roman History, studied in the Senior Latin
Class, Arnold's History of Rome is used as a text-book.
Niebuhr's History of Rome, and the History of Rome published
by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge,
and the maps of ancient Italy published by the Society for
the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, or Findlay's Ancient
Atlas, are recommended.

6. For the Ancient History of Greece, studied in the Senior
Greek Class, Smith's History of Greece, or Thirlwall's,
or Grote's History of Greece, and the maps published by the
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, or Findlay's
Ancient Atlas, are recommended.

It is expected of the students of Latin and Greek, that
they shall read in their rooms such authors and parts of authors,
prescribed by the Professor, as cannot be read in the
lecture-room;—e. g., Cicero's Epistles to Atticus, his Orations
(selected,) and Treatise De Republica, Sallust, Virgil,
Terence, Plautus, Æschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes,
Demosthenes, Æschines, Thucydides, Plato, &c.

As an essential part of the plan of instruction, the students
of each class are required to furnish written exercises.
These consist in the conversion of Latin or Greek into English,
and of English into Latin or Greek. The exercises are
examined by the Professor, and the errors marked; they are
then returned to the students, and the corrections stated and
explained in the presence of the class.

7. Hebrew: The text-books are Biblia Hebraica, Nordheimer's
or Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, and Gesenii Lexicon
Manuale Hebr. et Chald., or Sauerwein's edition of Rehkopf's
Lex. Hebr. Chald.

In the written translations required as a test of the qualifications
of candidates for degrees, the passages used are selected
by the committee of examination, not from the portions
of authors which have been read and explained in the
lecture-room, but at will from the classic writers generally.

II.—Modern Languages.



The subjects taught in this school are:


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1. The French, Italian, Spanish and German Languages,
and the English in its Anglo-Saxon form.

2. The Literature of these Languages, and the history of
each idiom.

3. The History and Geography of Europe, from the fall
of the Roman Empire to the present day.

Instruction, also, is given in Comparative Philology and
the principles of the Science of Language. The influence
of the history of nations on their language and literature is
explained and exemplified by extracts from the respective
authors, and constant attention given to the connection between
Philology and Ethnology.

There are three classes in French and two in German, one
for beginners, the others for more advanced students; and
the same arrangement is made, when necessary, in the other
languages. Opportunity is also given, in private, to practice
speaking the languages. The method of instruction is
by lectures, examinations, written exercises, and comments
on the text-books as read in the lecture room; the principal
classic authors in each language being used for this purpose.

Two degrees in this school are required for the degree of
A. M.




In this school there are four classes.

Of these, the Junior commences with the theory of Arithmetic,
the student being supposed to have rendered himself
practically familiar with its various rules before entering the
University. The elements of Algebra are then taught, and
after the first difficulties are mastered, the subjects of Algebra
and Synthetic Geometry are pursued simultaneously.

In the second or Intermediate Class, the course of Algebra,
commenced in the preceding class, is completed, and
there are taught successively the theory of Plane and Spherical
Trigonometry, with the application of the former to
the measurement of heights and distances, and of the latter
to Nautical Astronomy, the theory and practice of Land
Surveying and Levelling, Navigation, and Descriptive Geometry,


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with its applications to Spherical Projections,
Shades, Shadows and Perspective.

The Senior Class begins with the subject of Analytical
Geometry, and subsequently studies the Differential Calculus,
concluding the course of Pure Mathematics with the
Integral Calculus.

There is also a class of Mixed Mathematics, designed exclusively
for such of the more advanced students as may desire
to study the subjects taught therein.

The course embraces the mathematical investigation of
the general laws of equilibrium and motion, both of solids
and fluids, with a variety of applications, especially to Physical

The instruction in each class is conveyed partly by lectures,
and partly by the systematic study of approved text
books, the student being assisted by full and frequent explanations
from the Professor, and being constantly subjected
to rigid examinations. The progress of the student in every
class is also tested by his being required to perform written
exercises, in which the principles acquired are applied to the
solution of particular problems.

The text-books used are:—For the Junior Class, Lacroix'
or Davies' Arithmetic, Davies' Bourdon's Algebra, and Legendre's
Geometry. For the intermediate class, Bourdon's
Algebra, Legendre's Geometry and Trigonometry, Davies'
Surveying and Descriptive Geometry. For the Senior Class,
Davies' Analytical Geometry, Courtenay's Differential and
Integral Calculus. For the class of Mixed Mathematics,
Bartlett's Analytical Mechanics, Newton's Principia, and
Pratt's Mechanical Philosophy.

Any student entering the school has the privilege of attending
all or any of the classes, as he may elect, and if
prepared to enter an advanced class, may often find it highly
advantageous to review his previous studies by an attendance
on a lower class also.

IV.—Natural Philosophy.


There are three classes in this school: the Junior and Senior
Classes of Natural Philosophy, and the class of Mineralogy
and Geology.


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Instruction is given in all the classes by lectures and the
study of the text-books, accompanied by daily examinations.

The Junior Class meets three times a week. The course
of lectures to this class commences with a view of the structure
and general properties of matter, as preliminary to an
exposition of the leading doctrines of equilibrium and motion.
In the latter is included the application of these doctrines
to a variety of subjects, embracing, among others, the
centre of gravity, simple and compound machinery, the
pendulum, projectiles, the figure of the earth and the laws
of gravitation. This is followed by a consideration of the
special structure and properties of fluids, together with the
laws of their pressure, motion and resistance. The theory
and construction of the principal Pneumatic and Hydraulic
machines are then presented. To this succeeds a more particular
investigation of molecular actions, as exhibited in
osmotic and capillary phenomena, and in wave motion. In
the latter half of the course, are considered in succession,
Acoustics; Optics, Geometrical and Physical; Electricity,
Mechanical and Voltaic; Magnetism, Electro-Magnetism,
&c., and Heat, including the Steam engine. The subjects
taught in this course are illustrated by numerous experiments,
and by the aid of a large collection of diagrams.

The Senior Class meets twice a week. In this class, certain
portions of the Junior course are more thoroughly discussed
by the aid of the lower mathematics. This course
embraces, in addition, the subject of Astronomy.

Text-Books.—For the Junior Class: Roger's Mechanical
Philosophy; Muller's Physics or Lardner's Hand-books.

For the Senior Class: Notes on Mechanics; Herschel's


These subjects form a separate department of the school
of Natural Philosophy. They are studied in the order
named. Mineralogy is taught with especial reference to its
bearings on Geology. Throughout the course, specimens
are exhibited of the minerals, rocks and fossils alluded to
or described in the lectures.

Text-Books.—Dana's Mineralogy; Lyell's Manual of Geology.


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V.—School of Chemistry.


The course of lectures in this school commences with the
consideration of the imponderable agents: Heat, Light and
These agents play an important part in chemical
changes, and due space is given to their consideration.

The subject of inorganic Chemistry is them taken up.
The nomenclature, and chemical symbols and notation are
explained, and the non-metallic elements, together with
their combinations with oxygen and with each other are
very fully considered. The general principles of Chemical
Philosophy then pass in view, including Affinity, the Laws
of Combination,
the Atomic Theory and Theory of Volumes,
Electro-chemical Decomposition, &c.

The consideration of Metals comes next in order. After
noticing their general properties, the general characters of
their salts, the Binary Theory of Salts, the Doctrine of
Chrystallization, Isomorphism, &c., they are taken up individually.
Their history and properties are given, and their
combinations with oxygen and other non-metallic elements,
together with the saline combinations, are considered.

The concluding part of the course is devoted to Organic
Chemistry, including a notice of the more important products
of vegetable and animal life, the modifications of
organic compounds by artificial processes, their transformations
by the action of ferments and other agencies, the doctrine
of compound radicals, &c., &c.

Full experimental illustrations accompany the lectures.
Throughout the course, the application of the facts and
principles of the science to Medicine, to Agriculture and
other arts, are duly noticed.

Books recommended.—Fownes' Chemistry, as a text book;
Graham's Elements; Regnault's Elements; and Abel &
Bloxam's Hand-Book of Chemistry, for reference.

A course of instruction in Pharmacy, designed for the
benefit of students of Medicine attending this school, commences
in April, and occupies the time devoted to one of
the regular meetings of the class weekly, until the close of
the session.

Text Book.—Parrish's Practical Pharmacy.


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In this school are taught the principles and the practice
of Medicine, Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence. To
allow the medical student time to attain proficiency in
Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry and Materia Medica,
before he is required to apply these branches in the study
of the principles and the practice of Medicine, the course is
opened with Medical Jurisprudence, which is followed by
Obstetrics, and both are completed before the principles or
the practice of Medicine are entered upon.


The lectures on this branch show the aid which legislation
and the administration of the laws derive from medicine,
and consist chiefly in the application of the principles
of medical science to the elucidation and administration of
the laws, and the legal decisions in cases of insanity, every
variety of mental impairment, crime, &c., &c.

Text-Book—The Professor's Quatlines, and Beck or Taylor.


The lectures on this branch comprehend an account of all
labors, natural, preternatural and instrumental; the professional
assistance to be afforded in each, the treatment of
the female before, during and after delivery, and the diseases
of infancy. The lectures are amply illustrated by
specimens and plates; and all manual evolutions, and the
application of instruments, are demonstrated on the improved
phantome of Hebermehl. The students also practice
manual and instrumental delivery on the manikin.

Text-Book—The last edition of Meigs' Midwifery.


The Principles of Medicine, as taught in this school,
comprise General Pathology, and a brief view of General
Therapeutics; also Etiology, Nosology, Semeiology, Diagnosis
and Prognosis. The nature and division of causes
are first considered, which introduces the student to their
effects—disease. Pathology proper is next considered under


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the two forms, Functional and Structural diseases. After
the student thoroughly understands the nature of the causes
of diseases, their divisions, modes of operation, and the resulting
effects upon function and structure, a general view
is given of the influences that can be brought to remove or
counteract their effects. and the course on the Principles
is then concluded by the consideration of Nosology, Semeiology,
Diagnosis, Prognosis, and the Different Modes of

Text-Books—Wood's General Pathology and General Therapeutics,
in the last edition of his Practice.


As the most natural and practically useful arrangement,
all local diseases are classified and treated of according to
their locality, or the organ or set of organs which they
affect; whilst general diseases are arranged altogether pathologically.
Much attention is given to Physical Diagnosis.
Pathological Anatomy occupies a conspicuous place in
the course, and is illustrated by Carwell's large and splendid
colored plates, and, when practicable, by specimens.

Text-Book—Wood's Practice of Medicine, last edition.

VII.—Comparative Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery.


The heading indicates the subjects taught in this school,
and the order in which they are discussed.

In the first part of the course, the Professor presents a
seneral outline of the Animal Kingdom, by demonstrating
such of the leading facts of Comparative Anatomy as may
derve to indicate the natural affinities between the different
members of the animal series, and to furnish a basis for a
natural Zoological classification.

In the second division of the course, which is mainly devoted
to the study of Human Physiology, the peculiarities
of structure of inferior animals are again noticed, with
reference, especially, to the varieties of the same organ in
different animals, in order to exhibit the simplest condition
of structure essential to its office, and to indicate the uses of
the superadded parts in the more complicated forms.


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The third portion of the course is exclusively devoted to
the study of the Principles and Practice of Surgery.

Text-Books—The Professor's "Syllabus of Lectures on
Comparative Anatomy and Physiology;" Carpenter's Elements
of Physiology; Kirkes and Paget's Human Physiology;
Druitt's Modern Surgery.

VIII.—Lectureship of Anatomy, Materia Medica and Therapeutics.



In this class are taught Special and Surgical Anatomy.
The lectures are illustrated by fresh subjects, by wet and
dry anatomical preparations, and by a series of colored

Text-Book—Wilson's Anatomy.


The course on this subject embraces:

1. General Therapeutics, or an account of the effects of
the various classes of remedies on the organism, their modus
operandi, and their applications to the relief of disease.

2. A detailed account of medicinal agents, in their commercial
history, physical properties, chemical habitudes,
pharmaceutical preparations and effects.

The means of illustration in Materia Medica are ample,
comprising a full series of specimens of medicines in their
various states, and an extensive suit of colored drawings of
medical plants, on an enlarged scale.

Text-Book—Dunglison's Therapeutics and Materia Medica.

IX.—Department of Practical Anatomy.


This department is abundantly provided with fresh subjects
for the use of the members of the class; the afternoon
is devoted to the dissections; and they are conducted under
the constant guidance of the demonstrator.


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X.—Moral Philosophy.


There are three classes in this school:

The Junior Class studies Rhetoric, Belles Letters and
Philosophical Criticism.

Text-Books—Blair's Lectures, Campbell's Philosophy of
Rhetoric, Whately's Rhetoric, Kame's Elements of Criticism,
Cousin's Philosophy of the Beautiful, Milton and

The Intermediate Class studies Political Economy, Statistics,
and the Philosophy of Social Relations, or "Ethics of

Text-Books—On Political Economy, Say and J. S. Mill;
on the Progress of Society, Guizot, Grimke and De Tocqueville.

The Senior Class studies Mental Philosophy, Logic, (inductive
and deductive,) together with Theoretical and Practical

Text-Books—On Mental Philosophy, Locke, Reid and
Cousin; on Logic, Mill and Whately; on Ethics, Stewart,
Butler and Jouffroy.

The lectures are carried on concurrently during the session,
two a week to each class.

The examinations are on the Professor's lectures and
the text-books above enumerated.

XI.—School of Law.



The object in this school is to acquaint the student familiarly
and practically with the principles of his profession.
With this view, instruction (which is designed to be as
thorough as possible) is given partly through, text-books,
and daily examinations upon the subjects taught, partly by
comments intended to supply what is deficient and explain
what is obscure in the text, and partly also by independent

A Moot-court is instituted in connection with the school,


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upon a plan which experience has shown to be well calculated
to perfect the student in the details of practice. Under
the immediate superintendence of the Professors he is required
to pronounce opinions upon supposed cases; to devise
and to institute remedies, by suit or otherwise; to conduct
suits at law and in chancery, from their inception, through
all their stages; to draw wills, conveyances and other assurances;
and, in short, to perform most of the functions of a
practising lawyer.

The school is divided into three classes, viz: the Junior
class, embracing such studies as are at once essential to the
professional student, and form a highly useful branch of
general education; the Intermediate class, which is occupied
exclusively with the theory and practice of law, as a profession,
being adapted to the occasions of those who have not
time or inclination to push their elementary attainments
beyond the limits of necessity; and the Senior class, in
which efforts are made to impart a professional cultivation
as liberal as the growing wants of the country shall demand
or allow.

The degree of Bachelor of Laws is conferred upon those
who, upon examination, manifest a familiar acquaintance
with the subjects taught in all the classes; and to those who
exhibit a competent knowledge of International and Constitutional
Law and of the science of Government, a certificate
of proficiency is awarded.

The course of study in the several classes is as follows:

Junior Class.—Lectures on Government, Federalist,
Dewer's Outlines, Madison's Report 1799, Polson's Law of
Nations, Select Chapters of Vattel's Law of Nations, Blackstone's

Intermediate Class—Stephen on Pleading, Lomax's Digest,
Smith's Mercantile Law, Greenleaf's Evidence, Holcombe's

Senior Class—Adam's Equity, Chitty on Contracts, Barton's
Suit in Equity, Lomax on Executors, &c., Lectures on
Civil Law.

The student is recommended to be provided with the following
books for reference, viz: Gordon's Digest of Laws of
United States, and Virginia Code of 1849.

All the books required can be procured at the book stores
near the University, on reasonable terms.