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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Article I. In General.

Sec. 23-1. Appointment of officers and members of force.

The city manager shall appoint a chief of police, such appointment
to be approved by the city council. The city manager,
with the advice of the chief of police, shall appoint an
assistant chief of police and such other officers, detectives,
desk sergeants and patrolmen as may be deemed necessary.
(Code 1959, § 23-1.)


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Sec. 23-2. Under control of city manager.

The police force shall be under the control of the city manager
for the purpose of enforcing peace and order and for the
execution of the laws of the state, this Code and other ordinances
of the city and the performance of such other duties
as the city council may prescribe. (Code 1959, § 23-2.)

Sec. 23-3. Powers of policeman; oath of office.[377]

A policeman shall have all the powers of any conservator
of the peace, and of a constable in criminal cases, and all other
powers which, under the laws of the city, may enable him to
discharge the duties of his office. Every policeman, before
entering upon the discharge of his duties as such, shall take
the oath of office prescribed by the laws of the state, a certificate
of which shall be filed with the chief of police. (Code
1959, § 23-3.)


For state law prescribing powers and duties of city policemen,
see Code of Va., § 15.1-138.

Sec. 23-4. Special police; filling vacancies; examinations.

The city manager may, in cases of emergency, appoint as
many special policemen as the public safety may require, and
may appoint policemen to fill such vacancies as may occur.

All appointments will be made subject to physical examination
and examination as to knowledge of the laws, ordinances
and regulations.

The examination as to laws, ordinances and regulations will
be made by the chief of police.

The physical examination is to be made by the city health
officer or, in his absence, by such other physician as the city
manager may direct. (Code 1959, § 23-4.)

Sec. 23-5. Police to be uniformed.

All regular policemen, including the chief and lieutenants,
except when on plainclothes duty, shall wear what is known
as a "policeman's uniform," as prescribed by the city council
and furnished by the city. (Code 1959, § 23-5.)


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Sec. 23-6. Annual furloughs.

The members of the regular police force who have been
members of the force for twelve months shall be allowed an
annual furlough of two weeks with pay, the time of granting
such furlough to be arranged by the chief of police in connection
with the city manager so that the public interest is subserved.
(Code 1959, § 23-6.)

Sec. 23-7. Reserved.

Sec. 23-8. Responding to call of city officials.

It shall be the duty of the police department to respond to
the call of the city manager and other city officials for any
service in the prosecution of their duties. (Code 1959, § 23-8.)

Sec. 23-9. Issuance of summons by officers; violating promise
to appear.

A police officer arresting any person for a misdemeanor
may, in his discretion, instead of bringing such person to the
station house, take the name and address of such person and
deliver to the person a summons in writing to appear, at a
time to be specified in such summons, before the judge of the
municipal court and, upon taking from such person a promise
in writing to appear at such time and place, shall release him
from custody.

Any person refusing to give such written promise to appear
shall be taken to the station house. Any person who wilfully
violates such a written promise to appear shall be punished
as provided in section 1-5. (Code 1959, § 23-9.)

Sec. 23-10. Giving name and address to officers; false name
or address.

Any person who is arrested or summoned to appear before
the judge of the municipal court shall, upon request of any
police officer, disclose his name and address. No person shall,
in such case, give a false name or address. (Code 1959, §