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31.31. 31. In what Manner the Empire was transferred from the Family
of Charlemain.

The empire, which, in prejudice to the branch of Charles the Bald had been already given to the bastard line of Louis, King of Germany, [199] was transferred to a foreign house by the election of Conrad, Duke of Franconia, in 912. The reigning branch in France, being hardly able to contest a few villages, was much less in a situation to contest the empire. We have an agreement entered into between Charles the Simple and the Emperor Henry I, who had succeeded to Conrad, It is called the Compact of Bonn. [200] These two princes met in a vessel which had been placed in the middle of the Rhine, and swore eternal friendship. They used on this occasion an excellent middle term. Charles took the title of King of West France, and Henry that of King of East France. Charles contracted with the King of Germany, and not with the Emperor.



Arnold and his son Louis IV.


In the year 926, quoted by Aubert le Mire, Cod. donationum piarum, chap. 27.