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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. CXVI.
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Psalme. CXVI.

The Argument.

When Dauid scapt: aduersitie,
to God wyth thankes he goes,
So man full past: all miserie,
may so hys hart disclose.

Dilexi quo niam.


I loued haue: the Lord and shall,
wyth all my hart for why:
He soone hath heard: my prayers all,
wyth voyce when I dyd cry.


Full nye I say: his eare he bent,
to me most redily:
Wherfore my dayes: that me be lent,
hym will I call most hye.


The snares of death: dyd close me in,
yea panges of hell me found:
Fell anguish smart: and woes betwene,
I felt about me round.


Eftsoones I cryed: in Gods good name:
for helpe and sayd euen thus:
O Lord I pray: thy grace I clame,
my soule from payne discusse.


Of clemency: the Lord is full,
and iust he is in worde:
And this our God: is mercifull,
which doth all grace aforde.


The Lord preseruth: the simple ones,
as abiectes counted here:
For lo my selfe: was wo begone,
and health he brought me nere.



Wherfore I sayd: O turne agayne,
my soule into thy rest:
Since that the Lord: hath easd thy payne,
for thyne aduantage best.


For thou O Lord: hast ryd my feares,
my soule from death besyde:
And eke myne eyes: from wepyng teares,
my feete from falling wyde.


To walke in life: I purpose then,
before the Lord vpright:
Whyle here I lyue: with liuing men,
on earth to please his sight.
Credidi propter quod.


I held my fayth therout I spake,
to God in hope full strong:
Although with woes: my hart did quake,
and sorowes seamed long.


In all my flightes: so forst to flee,
I sayd thus halfe amasd:
All men on earth: but liers bee,
myne eyes were so adasd.


To quyte my Lord: what shall I geue,
hys benefites at length:
His grace so great: by whom I lyue,
surmounth my simple strength.


I will take vp: and heaue on hye,
the cuppe of thankfulnes:
And Gods good name: besech wyll I,
who compast all my wealth,



To God my Lord: I now will paye,
my vowes that I behight:
With thankfull hart: from day to daye,
In all hys peoples sight.


The Lord no doubt: full deare reputes,
the death of all his saynts:
He taketh to hart: their wrong pursuts:
and heareth their wofull playnts.


For truth, lo I: thy seruaunt lord,
thy seruaunt this may speake:
Thy hand maydes sonne: can this record,
for thou my bandes didst breake.


To thee therfore: I offer shall,
of thanckes the sacrifice:
The lordes good name: theron to call,
I will in gratefull wise.


To God my Lord: I wyll repaye,
my vowes that I behight:
With thankfull hart: from daye to daye,
in all hys peoples sight.


In all the courtes: euen iust in them,
of Gods hye house so bright:
In mydst of thee: Hierusalem,
O prayse this Lord aright.