University of Virginia Library



Deep vision'd son of Amoz! with fix'd gaze
And full-tranc'd eyelid, when the illumin'd rays
Fell on thy heart, and to thy ravish'd sense
Rose future scenes hid in Omnipotence:—
Whether when Hell was mov'd, and from its throne
Arose to greet the crown-less Babylon,
Or lifted earth, and the descending sky
In vocal gladness blend, as feeling nigh
The coming of th'eternal Jubilee;
And mountains find a voice, and the glad sea
Listens with all his isles: or from thy brow
A hand unseen the curtain lifts, and, lo,
Dread judgments lower o'er guilty Israel;
And, by near shadows made more visible,
Bright scenes come forth; like landscapes, baffling thought,
Pictur'd afar on hanging clouds, and brought
To a strange nearness; fairer than the state
Which evening pours upon Heav'n's western gate,
Or music opens, with a touch of light
Bringing lost Eden on the inward sight.
At every turn the Man of sorrow stands,
Bearing the key to those unearthly lands.