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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Non temptabis dominum deum tuum.

the thrid time he temptid wes
by auarise, & then was thrie
quen he showide hym expres
al þe world þer oponlye,
And saide, ‘al this I wil ȝif þe,
ȝif þow wilt mekly knele adoun
And with gode wille worship me,
thou shalt hafe al this tour & toun.’

Hec omnia dabo tibi, si cadens adoraueris me.

then [t]o the deul onsuaride he
with a fulle conclusioun,
‘God thi lord byhoues the
to honour & serue, be alway boun.’

Dominum deum tuum adorabis, & illi soli seruies.

Al thus in þis selue maner,
And bi þes sleghtes alle thre
that Adam broȝt was in daunger,
Crist ouercome Sathan, ȝe moun se.