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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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36. On Rehoboam .

People have Balances; wherein to weigh
Their new-crown'd Princes; which can soon bewray
Their native worth: Some counterpoyse th'allow:
Vnhappy Israel had not weights enow,
To weigh thy Fingers: Heads can never rest
In peace, when their poore members are opprest:
Had thy unlucky Fingers weigh'd no more
Then thy light Iudgement; had thy Iudgement bore
But halfe the burthen of thy Fingers weight,
Thou hadst bin prosp'rous, both in Crowne, & State:
The Lyon's knowne by's Paw; The people spends
Their Iudgement of a Prince by's Fingers ends.