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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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To whom resolued Argalus (whose eye
Was fixt vpon his honour) made replie;
My deare Parthenia; were it to obtaine
The vnsumm'd welth of Pluto; or to gaine
The soueraignty of the earth, without th'expence
Of blood or sweate, without the least pretense
Of danger, my ambition would despise
The easie conquest of so great a prize,
If purchas'd by thy discontent, or by
The poorest teare that trickles from thine eye;
But to recall my promise, or forsake
That resolution honour bid me make
In this behalfe; or to betray that trust
Repos'd in me, the gods would be vniust,
(And not themselues) if they should but command
Or vrge me, with an ouerswaying hand.


My deare Parthenia; Let no false suggestion
Abuse thy passion, or presume to question
My dearest loue; Though honour bids vs part,
Yet honor can not robbe thee, of my heart:
Honour, that calls me with her loud alarmes,
VVill bring me back, with Tryumph, to thine armes;