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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Be Thow my judge, Lord, plead my cause;
A nation mercilesse
My pairtie is: Me from the man
Of fraud and wickedness



Sett free, for of my strentgh the God
Thow art; why, thrust from thee,
Why goe I mourning all the day,
My foes oppressing me?


O send thow out thy light and truth;
Let them direct my way,
And bring me to thine holie hill,
The places of thy stay.


I'le to God's altar come, (to God,
My joy and gladnes great,)
And on the harp, (O God, my God,)
Thy prayses celebrate.


My soule, why droop'st thow? why within
Me mov'd? For God, O stay,
My God, and countenance's health,
To him yet prayse I'le pay.