University of Virginia Library

46 A pretty question of Lazarus soule well answered.

Once on occasion two good friends of mine
Did meete at meate, a Lawyer and Diuine:
Both hauing eaten well to helpe digestion,
To this Diuine, the Lawyer put this question:
When Lazarus in graue foure dayes did stay,
Where was his soule? in heauen, or hell I pray?
Was it in hell? Thence no redemption is.
And if in heauen: would Christ abate his blisse?
Sir, said the Preacher, for a short digression,
First, answere me one point, in your profession:
If so his heyres and he had falne to strife,
Whose was the land, if he came backe from life?
This latter question mou'd them all to lafter,
And so they drunke one to another after.