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Hymn.—J. Pierpont.

Borne by the tempest, on we sail
O'er ocean's billowy way;


One glorious orb by day we hail,
By night one faithful ray.
Thus God his undivided light
Pours on life's troubled wave;
Thus hope, meek star, through death's still night,
Looks on the Christian's grave.
Monarch of heaven, Eternal One,
On thee our spirit calls;
To thee, as followers of thy Son,
We consecrate these walls.
These arches, springing to the sky,
This lightly swelling dome,
That lifts to heaven its starry eye,—
Be these, O God, thy home.
And wilt thou, Omnipresent, deign
Within these walls to dwell?—
Then shalt thou hear our holiest strain,
Our organ's proudest swell.
Devotion's eye shall drink the light
That richly gushes through
Our simple dome of spotless white,
From thine, of cloudless blue.
And Faith, and Penitence, and Love,
And Gratitude, shall bend
To thee:—O hear them from above,
Our Father and our Friend.