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At a Court holden for Virginia the 21 of Ianuary i621

At a Court holden for Virginia
the 21 of Ianuary

mr Deputy.  mr Wheatly mr mr Rogers. 
mr Gibbes.  mr Bland.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Wroth.  mr Bromefeild.  mr Cuffe. 
mr Wrote.  mr Robertℯ.  mr Swinhowe. 
mr Kightly.  mr Caswell.  mr Palmer. 
mr Nich: ffarrar.  mr Edwardℯ.  mr Barbor
mr Couell.  Capt: Tucker.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Woodall. 

This Court beinge called to heare the Propositions of Martins Hun-
dred Society beinge to receaue their Patent the said Aduenturors made
a request in the name of Sr Iohn Wolstenholme Knight and diuers
other of the Companie that they might seuer themselues from such
as refused to proceed in that Plantac̃on and the next Quarter Court
being the 30th of this present Moneth haue a new Patent graunted
vnto them and some others who with them hath of late sent a large
Supply of people to Virginia wch requ[est] [306] although the Court
after much debate conceaued is not onely fitt and convenient but also
iust and necessarie as could not be Denied yet to the intent that no
mans right might be preiudiced vpon the moc̃on of §some of§ the first
Aduenturers that refused now to proceed there was a select Com̃ittee
chosen to heare and receaue any obiecc̃ons that could be made vnto
the contrary and it was and ∥ordered∥ that p̱ticuler notice of this


buissines be giuen vnto euery man by leaving this order at his howse
on Thursday next beinge the 24th of this present the said Comittee
∥are these∥ vizt
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Wrote. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Edwardℯ. 
mr Wroth.  Capt Tucker. 
mr Kightly. 
are appointed to meete about 2 in the afternoone at mr ffarrars howse
in St Scyths Lane.

Mr Woodall hauinge heard in what good and orderly sort the said
Aduenturers did intend to proceed to aduance that Plantation and
beinge fully satisfied in those obiecc̃ons wch moued him to refuse to
come in at the first did nowe make a proffer that if the Companie
would be pleased to accept of his paymt in Cattle wch should be deliu-
ered vnto them in Virginia he would then willingly make vp his
former Supplies to the proporc̃on of 10li the share for so many as he
Vnderwritt for wch offer the Court accepted of prouided he giue his
Bond for the p̱formance of his promise either in Cattle §at such rates§
as they are sold in Virginia or to pay so much in money here, wch he
promised to doe.

Mr Wrote signified that he was to make a request vnto the said Aduen-
turers of Martins Hundred in the behalfe of a frend of his a gentle-
man of good worth and Sufficiency namely mr George Mordan of
North walsam in the County of Norff esqr who was desirous who after
they had settled and compossed this buissines to come in amongst
them for three shares, if he might be admitted a free brother of the
Companie, and because the said gentleman should seldome be here
himselfe by reason of his remote dwelling he did also desire that him-
selfe might in his absence supply his person and giue his voice as
freely as if he were here himselfe present both wch requestℯ beinge
taken into considerac̃on the said Companie were pleased to assent
vnto as well for makinge the said gentleman free as for admittinge
mr Wrote to haue free voice amongst them in the said gentlemans
absence [307]