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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. CXV.

The Argument.

Thus Gentiles Gods: be scornd vnpure,
Where God of heauen: is God most sure:
On hym to trust: to lawd hym aye,
Who blessth our lyfe: and keepth our way.

Non nobis Domine.


No prayse geue vs: O Lord to vs,
Geue it thy name: most glorious:
For thy sweete loue: for thy good truth,
Defend vs Lord: and shew thy ruth.


Why els no doubt: the Heathen sect,
Would say where is: their God so tect?
If God they haue: as we in sight,
Let hym come forth: and shew his might.


But sure our God: is God in heauen,
Not made or seene: to carnall eyne:
He doth at will: what lyke hym best,
He made all thinges: by hym they rest.


Their Idols all: the best, they bee,
But siluer cast: and gold to see:
The handy worke: of mortall men,
They be thus made: full brittle then.


Wyde mouthes they haue: but speake no whit
Of speache but domme: to them most fit:
And eyes they haue: yet haue no sight,
All voyde of lyfe: all voyde of light.


So eares they haue: but heare nothyng,
How loud men cry: in halowing:
And nose they haue: but haue no tast,
Their brent incense: on them is wast.



Yea handes they haue: but handle nat,
Two feete they haue: but haue no gate:
They make no voyce: from out theyr throtes,
Where yet small flies: haue open notes.


As those be all: so such be they,
Which make them first: of gold or clay:
And so be they: which worship them,
Or them do trust: in any realme.


But thou that seest: O Israell,
Trust thou the Lord: bid them farewell:
The Lord is whole: thyne ayde and shield,
Protectour sure: in towne and field.


Ye Aarons house: trust ye this Lord,
None other serue: to hym accord:
The Lord is whole: your ayde and shield,
Protectour sure: in towne and field.


All ye that feare: the Lord so hye,
Trust ye this Lord: to hym applye:
The Lord is whole: your ayde and shylde,
Protectour sure: in town and filde.


The Lord hath mynd: and careth for vs,
He wyll vs blesse: most prosperous:
And Iacobs house: so will he blesse,
Blesse Aarons house: he wyll not mysse.


Who feare the Lord: he blesse them all,
Both rich and poore: both great and small:
To do them good: is hys entent,
Who worship him: most reuerent.



The Lord wyll adde: to your encrease,
To heape hys gyftes: he wyll not cease:
Uppon your selfe: in ioyfull cheare,
And after on: your children deare.


Ye are the Lordes: most blessed lot,
Yf feare in you: be not forgot,
The Lordes ye be: hys heritage,
Who made of heauen: and earth the stage.


The heauens so houge: the heauens I saye,
Be all the Lords: in whom they staye:
The earth he gaue: to men a place,
To dwell therin: to serue his grace.


The dead that be: prayse not the Lord,
No sence in them: no voyce or word:
Ne they whose corps: be layd to rest,
By them no laudes: can be exprest.


But we alyue: wyth voyce and hart,
Wyll prayse thys Lord: tyll we depart:
From thys tyme forth: and so for aye,
Than sing we styll: Alleluya.