University of Virginia Library



Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.”—Rom. vi. 9.

If it might be, then God Himself could die
Of sorrow for our sin,
And in the grave of great compassion lie
For love of human kin;
As on the earth the Saviour took our stain
In His stupendous part,
Not by the spear or sharper mocking slain
But of a Broken Heart.
If it might be, God would in utter woe
At the long thankless Life,
Stricken to death by friends and by no foe
Stoop to His altar knife;
Rejected by redeemèd ones, dethroned
By children whom He wrought,
For whom through endless cycles He atoned
So often and for nought.
If it might be, God could deny the God
Or cast aside His crown,
And smitten by His Love's recoiling rod
Lay all His Glory down;
And in the ashes of each star and sun,
A fitting funeral dress,
He could entomb the work He has begun—
If He loved sinners less.