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Scene I.
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Scene I.

—The Palace of the Comneni.
Isaac Comnenus and Macrinus.
It will not keep, Macrinus; in such things
There is a rotten ripeness supervenes
On the first moment of maturity.

I well believe, my Lord, that more such schemes
Have failed from over-wariness than rashness.

Then be our last convention held to-night;
And see that all be summoned.

I'll look to it.

And I must to the palace.

The worse errand.

It is unseasonable, but not dangerous.
I know Nicephorus well; his roof is safe;


He'd rather that an accident befell me
In any place than there.

I hope, my Lord,
You put not too much trust in Theodora.

In her? no—little enough. I could secure her,
But having not a stomach to the means,
I fain would fancy that I do not want her.
Here comes a Lordling of her train. Good-day.

Enter Germanus.
My noble Lord, the Cæsarissa waits
With infinite impatience to behold you:
She bids me say so. Ah! most noble Count!
A fortunate man—the sunshine is upon you—

Ay, Sir, and wonderfully warm it makes me.
Tell her I'm coming, Sir, with speed. Farewell.
[Exit Germanus.
Didst thou take heed of yon homunculus?

Ay, my Lord, I marked him.

We work in the dark and know not what we do;
He that begot him meant him for a man,
And yet thou seest the issue. After dusk,
As soon as may be after dusk, Macrinus,
We meet again.