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The great Elisha may I call Thy name,
Eternal Saviour, and be free from blame?
E'en as the sun, in things of meanest worth,
His coming and his going shadows forth
From image unto image, so art Thou
Full oft anew revealed; Elijah now
Lone wandering, then Elisha's loftier seat,
The Son of man, and then the Paraclete.
Thou wast mysterious veil'd in growing bread;
Thou in the sacramental oil didst shed
Thine undiminish'd Spirit, flowing o'er
The widow'd Church's vessels evermore.
It is Thy figure in the dead man's bones,
Where charnel'd death life-giving virtue owns;
'Tis Thou in unapproached purity,
Who smit'st Thy foes with eyes that cannot see;
While Thine own friends discern a rampart round,
Where cars and horse of living flame abound.
It was Thy word turn'd the baptismal wave
Of Jordan to Thy blood with power to save.
May we in that sure word, that cannot fail,
Strike seven times, and seven times prevail!