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Alexander Pope: Minor poems

Edited by Norman Ault: Completed by John Butt

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On James Craggs , Esq.; In Westminster-Abbey.

JACOBUS CRAGGS Regi Magnæ Britanniæ a Secretis Et Consiliis Sanctioribus, Principis Pariter ac Populi Amor & Deliciæ: Vixit Titulis et Invidia Major, Annos Heu paucos, xxxv. Ob. Feb. xvi. M dcc xx.

Statesman, yet Friend to Truth! of Soul sincere,
In Action faithful, and in Honour clear!


Who broke no promise, serv'd no private end,
Who gain'd no Title, and who lost no Friend,
Ennobled by Himself, by All approv'd,
Prais'd, wept, and honour'd, by the Muse he lov'd.