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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 128.
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HYMN 128.

[He that the Prize doth think to have]

1 Cor. 9. So run that ye may obtain.

He that the Prize doth think to have,
Must take the greatest care
To set out timely, must begin
Before old age draws near.
He that would win the Prize also,
Must know what way to run;


And must hold out, not weary be,
Until the Prize he's won.
All weights he must cast off with speed,
And temp'rate also be,
Or else he'll faint, and never will
God's blessed Kingdom see.
Such who do run a race, sometimes
Have many Lookers on;
Both Men and Angels view the Saints,
And mind how they do run.
They who do run an earthly Race,
Run for some earthly thing;
But ev'ry Saint that gains the Prize,
Shall Crown'd be as a King.
O then, ye Saints, run you apace
In ways of Piety;
Gird up your Loyns, and nothing fear,
Look up, lift up your Eye
The Prize to see: Ah! 'tis your own,
And when you end your days,
You shall receive it, therefore now
Break sorth and sing God's praise.