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Lyric Poems

Made in Imitation of the Italians. Of which, many are Translations From other Languages ... By Philip Ayres

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Posidippus the Comic Poet,

Of the Miseries attending Mankind,


Beginning Ποιην τις βιοτοιο ταμοι τριβον;------

Oh Mis'ry of Mankind! For at the Bar
Are Strifes and Quarrels; At our Houses, Care;
In Fields, hard Labour; Dangers, on the Sea;
Who travels rich, can ne'er from Fears be free;
Grievous is Want; Marriage, Eternal Strife;
A Single, is a Solitary Life;
Children, bring Care, and Trouble; To have none,
The Happiness of Wedlock is not known;
Our Youth, is Folly; E'er we can grow wise,
We're Old, and loaded with Infirmities.
So we may wish, who have th' Experience try'd,
That we had ne'er been born: Or, soon as born had dy'd.