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31. On a Bastard.

This luckless issue, Heavens image coin'd
With a forbidden stamp, but few do mind;
And yet who is there, that delights not in
That ugly monster, Satans bastard sin?
Considred in his natural estate,
Ev'ry man is an illegitimate:
The unbelieving wretch, is one base-born,
God looks upon him with contempt and scorn:
He is a person vile, one of earths breed,
A Brat engendred of the Serpents seed:
Be sure, God will not father him therefore,
But lay such Bastards at the Devils door.
By faith it is, that God takes cognizance
Of us for sons: 'tis faith doth us advance.
By faith we are Gods children through Christ's merit,
Faith gives us right and title to inherit.


Til faith be wrought, we have no right to heav'n,
Onely to lawful heirs that Land is given.
Tis faith that doth legitimate, until
Thou do believe, thou art a Bastard still.
Boast not thy Pedigree, the devil can show
As full as good a Coat of Arms as thou.