University of Virginia Library

Non in solo pane viuit homo set in omni verbo quod procedit de ore dei.

Then was the deul adred ful sore,
ffor atte forme ouer-comen was he,
but ȝet he thoȝt to fonde hym more
the secunde time, as ȝe shyn se.
And temptid hym bi vayn-glory
qven he þis word saide writen her,
‘Ȝif þow be Goddes son almyȝty,
come doun & in þis plas apper.’


Si filius dei es, mitte te deorsum.

Then Crist concludet hym with cumfort
and holi writt alegget þer,
‘writen hit is þat God thi lord
thow shalt not fonde but honour & her.’