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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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35. On Ahab.
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35. On Ahab.

How Ahab longs! Ahab must be possest
Of Naboths Vineyard, or can find no rest:
His tongue must second his unlawfull eye:
Ahab must sue: and Naboth must denye:
Ahab growes sullen; he can eat no Bread;
His Body prostrates on his restlesse Bed:
Vnlawfull Lust immoderate often brings
A loathing in the use of lawfull things:
Ahabs desier must not be with-stood,
It must be purchas'd, though with Naboths Blood;


Witnesse must be suborn'd: Naboth must lie
Open to Law; must be condemn'd; and dye:
His Goods must be confiscate to the Crowne;
Now Ahab's pleas'd; The Vineyard's now his owne:
Vnlawfull Pleasures, when they jostle further
Then ordinary bounds, oft end in murther.
Me thinkes, the Grapes that cluster from that Vine,
Should (being prest) afford more blood then wine.