![]() | A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ![]() |
When Sussex first sat in the Gospell Shine
And bright Eappa ore it stretcht his line:
A sore mortality therein did rage.
He and his pupills thereupon engage
Upon a Triduan Fast to supplicate
The Majesty of heaven in this state
To spare the sick, or when they could not stand,
To save their souls from being ever damnd.
Now in their Hive there was a Saxon boy
New won to Christ did of this sickness ly,
No small time bed rid, who was left alone
Upon the second turn of fast dayes, t'groane,
To whom the Chief of the Apostles came
Bout two a clock that day. (Here lies the game)
Saluting of him thus, Child feare not Death:
For we this day shall lead thee hence from Earth,
Unto the heavenly kingdoms, onely waite
A while till Mass is o're, they Celebrate,
The body and the blood of Christ must bee
Thy food Viatick till thou come to glee.
And being quit of sickness, death, and all
Wee bring thee to Celestiall Pleasures shall.
Call to thee then Elder Ea'tppa, tell
Him this, the Lord doth take your prayers well
And your Devotion: no more shall dy
Of this Disease, now in your Monestry
Nor in the towns about, but shall revive
Even all of them that are this day alive,
Except myselfe who must anone be freed
By Death, and to the sight of Christ make speed.
But God hath dignifide you with his Grace,
Through Oswalds intercession, of Blessed Face,
King of Northumberland, belovd of God,
Intently serving of him all a---
Who by the Power of temporall Realm and so
Of Christian Piety did fore you goe.
For on this selfe same day by's Enemy
He fell: and went unto Eternal joy
Sociated with Elect, in Heavenly stories,
And they to mass went in all Oratories
Of the said Hall, with thanks their prayer heard were
And for King Oswald who had reigned there.
And that he for them as his own had pray'de,
Then they the Heavenly Offerings assaid
Thus ending of their Fast, refreshment take
Into the body pincht with ------
But when the lad Eappa all had told
He askt what men they were he did behold.
Quoth he they were all brigh[t] in face and dress
Most Chearfull, Beautifull, I do confess
I never saw the like, and thought there could
Not any such bright persons eyes behold.
One like a Clerk was with a shaved Crown,
The other had a greate large Beard hung down:
One was Calld Peter, th'other Paul which were
Our Lord and Saviours Ministers, sent here
By him from heaven for the safe Defence
Of this Monastery, then out goes thence.
Eappa searcht his Annals, it was the day
In which King Oswald slain in battell lay.
Calld all together, Celebrated Mass
And chargd the same should to the sick lad pass.
Which being done, he soon gave up the Ghost.
And hereupon this Monestry indeed
And others rounde about began to heed
And Celebrate with Masses ev'ry year
King Oswalds birthday. Se the Monckry here.
And bright Eappa ore it stretcht his line:
A sore mortality therein did rage.
He and his pupills thereupon engage
The Majesty of heaven in this state
To spare the sick, or when they could not stand,
To save their souls from being ever damnd.
Now in their Hive there was a Saxon boy
New won to Christ did of this sickness ly,
No small time bed rid, who was left alone
Upon the second turn of fast dayes, t'groane,
To whom the Chief of the Apostles came
Bout two a clock that day. (Here lies the game)
Saluting of him thus, Child feare not Death:
For we this day shall lead thee hence from Earth,
Unto the heavenly kingdoms, onely waite
A while till Mass is o're, they Celebrate,
The body and the blood of Christ must bee
Thy food Viatick till thou come to glee.
And being quit of sickness, death, and all
Wee bring thee to Celestiall Pleasures shall.
Call to thee then Elder Ea'tppa, tell
Him this, the Lord doth take your prayers well
And your Devotion: no more shall dy
Of this Disease, now in your Monestry
Nor in the towns about, but shall revive
Even all of them that are this day alive,
Except myselfe who must anone be freed
By Death, and to the sight of Christ make speed.
But God hath dignifide you with his Grace,
Through Oswalds intercession, of Blessed Face,
King of Northumberland, belovd of God,
Intently serving of him all a---
Who by the Power of temporall Realm and so
Of Christian Piety did fore you goe.
For on this selfe same day by's Enemy
He fell: and went unto Eternal joy
Sociated with Elect, in Heavenly stories,
And they to mass went in all Oratories
Of the said Hall, with thanks their prayer heard were
And for King Oswald who had reigned there.
And that he for them as his own had pray'de,
Then they the Heavenly Offerings assaid
Thus ending of their Fast, refreshment take
Into the body pincht with ------
But when the lad Eappa all had told
He askt what men they were he did behold.
Quoth he they were all brigh[t] in face and dress
Most Chearfull, Beautifull, I do confess
I never saw the like, and thought there could
Not any such bright persons eyes behold.
The other had a greate large Beard hung down:
One was Calld Peter, th'other Paul which were
Our Lord and Saviours Ministers, sent here
By him from heaven for the safe Defence
Of this Monastery, then out goes thence.
Eappa searcht his Annals, it was the day
In which King Oswald slain in battell lay.
Calld all together, Celebrated Mass
And chargd the same should to the sick lad pass.
Which being done, he soon gave up the Ghost.
And hereupon this Monestry indeed
And others rounde about began to heed
And Celebrate with Masses ev'ry year
King Oswalds birthday. Se the Monckry here.
![]() | A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ![]() |