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CXXXV. Berkeley, Thorpe, Tracy, and Smyth. Agreement with Richard Smyth and Wife and Others September 1, 1620
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CXXXV. Berkeley, Thorpe, Tracy, and Smyth. Agreement with
Richard Smyth and Wife and Others
September 1, 1620

Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (27), Pages 132–133
Document in New York Public Library
List of Records No. 203


This Indenture made the first day of September in the xviijth yeare of the
raigne of our sou9aigne lord Kinge Iames of England &c. Betwene Richard
Berkeley George Thorpe and Wm Tracy Esqs and Iohn Smyth gent on
the one p̱te And Richard Smyth of Wotton Vnderedge in the county of
Glouc Gardner Ioane his wife and Anthony and Wilɫm their sonnes And
Rob̴t Bisaker of Wotton Vnderedge aforesaid glover and ffayth his wife
and Richard Hopkins of Wotton Vnderedge aforesaid husbandman on
th' other p̱te. Witnesseth that it is agreed betwene the said p̱ties in
manner followinge. ffirst the said Richard Berkeley George Wilɫm and
Iohn doe hereby covenant wth the said Richard Smyth Ione his wife and
Anthony and Wilɫm their sonnes Rob̴t Bisaker and ffayth his wife and
Rich. Hopkins to transport them (wth gods assistance) into the land of
Virginia with all convenient speed at their costℯ & charges in all
things and there to mayntayne and keep them with convenient dyet
& lodginge in their family there amongst their other servantℯ from the
day of their landinge vntill one convenient house shall be for them erected
& built in place convenient, and the same to be furnished wth necessary
implemtℯ (in supply of such as they want and have need of) and to allot
vnto them soe much ground convenient and adioyninge to the said house


as they shall be able to cleere manure order dresse, husband and vse,
eyther in orchards, gardens, vineyards or for Tobacco, corne, mayz or
Indian Wheat, oad, silk gras flaxe or hempe, or for pasture and hay for
kine & other cattle or for plantinge of olyves, sewing or plantinge of cotton
wooll Anyseed, Wormseed and the like, the same house to be seated neere
the great ryver there, or some branch or creek therof And the same house
shall be soe built and fitted for them to allowe vnto them convenient dyet
as the country can reasonably afford vntill one harvest be by them had
and Inned wch is supposed will be about the feast of St Bartholomewe
next, And also to delyver to them .2. kyne of those wch the said Richard
George Wilɫm and Iohn purpose to send over in Aprill next, And to each of
them within the compas of one year next three sutes of apparell such as
other the like servantℯ & people of them the said Richard George Wm and
Iohn there have. In Considerac̃on wherof they the said Richard Smyth
Ione his wife Anthony & Wm their sonnes Rob̴t Bysaker & ffayth his wife
and Rich Hopkins doe covenant & p̳mise from tyme to tyme faythfully
That they and their heires will pay and delyver to them the said Rich:
Geo: Wm and Iohn & their heires, one third p̱te of all English corne & of
maiz or Indyan wheat and the one halfe of all other p̳fits fruitℯ cattle
seeds & increase whatsoever raysed taken or had from the ground or land
of them the said Rich: Geo: Wm & Iohn or by reason or means therof,
wherin as they hereby faythfully p̳mise to be residinge vpon their [133] land
and noe other mens and to be true and faythfull teñntℯ vnto them the said
Richard Geo: Wm and Iohn and their heires, Soe likewise on their p̱tℯ
they p̳mise to returne all assistance, kindnes p̳tecc̃on & defence wherin
they shall iustly have need of them, And that Indentures shall Enter-
changeably ∥be∥ made and sealed to theffect of theis p̢sentℯ in convenient
tyme after the patent of their land in Virginia shalbe sealed to them the
said Richard George Wm & Iohn. Given Enterchangeably vnder their
hands and seales the day and yeare first above written.