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At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 16 of Ianua: i621

At a Court held for Virginia
on Wedensday the 16 of Ianua
: i621


mr Deputy.  mr Caswell.  mr Copland. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Rogers.  mr Caswell. 
mr Wroth.  mr Robertℯ.  mr Caps. 
mr Wrote.  mr Rich: Smith.  mr Darnelly. 
mr Kightly.  mr Iadwin.  mr Swinhowe. 
mr Shippard.  mr Waterhowse.  with diuers. 
mr Nicho: ffarrar.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Barbor mr Cuffe. 

The Com̃ittee appointed to p̱vse the bookℯ wch mr Io: Brinsly
Schoolmr presented at the last Court touchinge the educac̃on of the
younger sort of Schollers, for somuch as they had yet no time to p̱vse
the same by reason of many buissinesses that did occurr they desired
of the Court some longer respite wch was graunted vnto them mr Cop-
land beinge present was entreated to p̱vse it in the meane time and
deliuer his opinion thereof vnto the said Com̃ittees at their meetinge
about it.


Mr Deputy signified that one Theodore Wadsworth mr of the Geo: of
London of about 100 Tuñ (beinge bound for Virginia) did desire a
Com̃ission for transportinge of 60 Passengers wth their Prouisions wch
was graunted and order giuen to mr Deputy to seale it. [304]

He further also signified that one mr Henry Southey a Som̃ersett-
sheire gentleman did desire a Patent for a p̱ticuler Plantac̃on in Vir-
ginia to him and his Associatℯ vndertaking to transport one hundred
p̱sons thither (hauinge sent some already) Wherevpon the Court gaue
order for the drawinge up of a Patent for him in the vsuall forme
against the next Quarter Court.

Hee further signified that whereas a Patent was graunted to Capt:
Nath: Bassey and ∥other∥ his Associatℯ for a p̱ticuler Plantac̃on it
was desired that the Patent might be renued onely for inserting the
names of such as were to be his Associats wch the Court assented vnto.

Mr Deputy acquainted the Court that one mr Leat a Minister beinge
heretofore in Newfoundland and preacher there whome mr Slany the
marchant com̃ended for his ciuill and good carriage the said mr Leat
hauinge upon conference wth some of Virginia heard a good report of
that Comittee ∥Countrey∥ was nowe desirous to goe ouer not mean-
inge to put the Companie to any further charge then onely to furnish
him with necessaries and such bookℯ as shall be vsefull vnto him
∥hoping∥ they would please to recomend him to the Gouernor (wth
whome he desires to remaine till a place in that Countrie become
voide) that he may be then preferred wch request the Court thought
verie reasonable and referred him to the generall Com̃ittee to be
treated and concluded wth touchinge some moderate allowance to be
bestowed vpon him and haue appointed him to preach vpon sonday
come sennight in St Scyths Church in the afternoone proposinge seu-
erall Textℯ vnto him to take his choise, but beinge more willing to
take what text the Companie would giue him they haue appointed
him the 9th of Isay 2° verse.

Mr Nicholas ffarrar beinge formerly chosen Treasuror by the Aduen-
turors of the glasseworkℯ moued that for somuch as he had issued out


their names accordinge to their direcc̃ons and therevpon made vp his
Accountℯ that therefore some might be appointed to audite his said
Accountℯ: Wherevpon the Court entreated mr Kightly on the behalfe
of the Companie and these other hereafter named on the behalfe of
the said Aduenturers to examine and audite the said Account vizts.
mr Gibbs.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Wrote.  mr Swinhowe 
mr Barbor mr Wroth. 
mr Darnelly.  mr Robertℯ. 
who are entreated to meet at mr ffarrars vpon Satturday about 9 in
the morninge to this purpose. [305]

Herevpon mr Deputy moued that not onely a Coppie of this perticuler
Account after the same be once audited but also the Coppies of all
other Accountℯ in like manner beinge audited and allowed might
remayne in the Counsellℯ Chest to be forth comm̃inge when soeuer they
shalbe required wch moc̃on was well approved and ordered accordingly
to be obserued & kept.

Informac̃on was giuen that an vnknowne person had made offer to
vndertake the prosecutinge of a Proiect in Virginia for wch he would
paye a good rent vnto the Companie and after seauen yeares it should
be free for any to vse the same: But the Companie beinge much dis-
couraged wth Dor Bohuns proiect wch promised much benifitt but in
the end came to nothinge were vnwillinge to giue waye to any such
newe proiectℯ but rather wished the Proiector to explaine himselfe
freely to some of the Companie what it was he aymed at and they
would be ready to afford him all lawefull fauor and assistance in so
worthie an enterprize.

Mr Deputy acquainted the Companie that whereas mr Barret a very
sufficient Shippwright ∥was∥ entertained to goe to Virginia about a
Moneth hence for settinge out of whome and his Compa diuers had
vnderwritten good Somes of money as appeared by the Roll of Boate-
wrightℯ and howse Carpenters nowe presented in Court wch Roll for


somuch as it was not yet fully made vp to that Som̃e wch so great a
worke did require it was therefore moued that such as were desirous
of the honor and proffitt that would hereby acrue would please to
vnderwrite vnto the said Roll.