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[Till then preserve the faithful seed]

Till then preserve the faithful seed,
The remnant left in Britain's land,
The desolate Church, whose cause we plead,
In whose defence we firmly stand,
Her breaches mourn, her burdens bear
In all the agony of prayer.
Jesus, her ruinous walls rebuild,
And let them with Thy praise resound;
With peace her palaces be fill'd,
Plenty be in her temples found,
Plenty of unbought milk and wine,
Fulness of living Bread Divine.
Her slumbering guides and watchmen rouse,
And on her rising ramparts place;
Give them a voice to shake Thy house,
The rocks to break, the dead to raise,
To bring them up from nature's grave,
And the whole house of Israel save.
For this Thou hear'st Thy Spirit groan,
O that Thou wouldst Thy power display,
Divide the heavens, and come down,
Convert our nation in a day,
And spread our faith through earth abroad,
And fill the universe with God!



[If now Thou dost Thy work revive]

If now Thou dost Thy work revive,
If still Thou dost Thy church increase,
Persist to save our souls alive,
Jesus, stand by Thy witnesses,
And every cursed thing remove,
And every bar to perfect love.
The vile abusers of Thy grace,
The men of lips and lives unclean,
Above Thy oracles who praise
The dreams of Nicholas obscene,
Restrain by Thy great arm alone,
And drive their idol from his throne.
Who most withstand the gospel-word
Of real, inward righteousness,
Betray Thee, while they call Thee Lord,
In words exalt, in deeds debase,
Tell them, they shall no farther go
To serve the interests of Thy foe.
Root up the tares by Satan sown,
The whispering hypocrites expel,
And cast the soft Accuser down,
But spare the men inflamed of hell,
Nor let them all their burden bear,
Or gnaw their tongues in sad despair.
The brethren—false, by stealth crept in,
Thy cause and people to disgrace,
Deceiving and deceived by sin,
By Satan with his shining face,
Detect them, Lord, and scatter wide
The specious sons of gilded pride.


Let none within the pale be found
But simple Israelites indeed,
But men of upright hearts and sound,
The humble, poor, and holy seed,
Who truly are what they profess,
Thy band of blood-bought witnesses.