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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Article XVII. Utilities.

Sec. 22.1-126. Repealed by ordinance passed 6-4-73.

Sec. 22.1-127. Water service larger than five-eighths of an
inch meter and one inch line.

If the applicant for water service desires a meter larger than
five-eighths of an inch and a water line larger than one inch, he
shall be furnished an estimate of the cost of providing such larger
service, including the cost of the meter and repairs to the street,
by the city engineer, and after the payment of this estimate and
approval by the city manager, the city shall install the service and
meter. All such installations from and including the meter to the
main shall be the property of the city and the city shall maintain
such service and meter. (10-19-64.)

Sec. 22.1-128. Application, availability, elevation and
location of sewer, water and gas services.

Applications for utility connections shall be made and the
availability of sewer, water and gas determined at the same time
as the application for building permit. The owner or agent shall
immediately designate on the site the location where he desires
these utilities to enter his property. The city will then proceed
with the installation of service line to the property line. It shall be
the responsibility of the owner to keep a record of the location and
elevation of these services at the property line. The building shall
then be set to conform to these elevations. Where connection to a
city sewer is made by the owner on private property, the
installation shall be made in accordance with the sections of this
chapter relative to sewers, bearing in mind that the owner shall
set the elevation of the building to conform thereto.


Page 426

No sewer connection to the main line sewer in the street shall
be located at a distance greater than fifteen feet downstream
from the nearest property corner of the lot to be served.

No individual sewer service line shall be installed across private
property for the purpose of serving other lots where it is possible
to extend the main line sewer in the street. (10-19-64.)

Sec. 22.1-129. Sewer connections—By whom work to be done;
application; charge; materials.

All sanitary sewer connections and the extensions of all
lines in the city street shall be done by the city. The cost of making
a sewer connection from the property line to the sewer main shall
be two hundred twenty-five dollars for each connection, provided
the sewer main is located in the street opposite the property to be
served. The cost of renewing sewer service to a building shall be by
estimate prepared by the city engineer, which shall be not less
than two hundred twenty-five dollars minimum for each

Connections shall be made only upon application in writing on a
form provided by the director of finance, to whom applications
shall be made, and the payment above mentioned shall be made at
the time of application.

All other connections to the city's sewer lines, not in the city
streets, whether inside or outside of the city, shall be made only by
a master plumber, registered in the city, after he has secured a
proper permit.

All connections to mains of the city sewerage system whether
inside or outside of the city, shall be made only by the use of a
terra cotta saddle on the line or a terra cotta wye in the line. Any
portion of the house sewer line within any street or road right of
way shall be terra cotta or cast iron.

In new subdivisions or any portion thereof, the city manager
may, if he deems it to be in the best interest of the city, install
sewer connections at the same time the sewer main or mains are
installed in the new streets and prior to the time that the streets
are paved, provided: (1) The subdivider so requests, (2) the
subdivider gives assurance in writing that the lots will be built


Page 427
upon within a reasonable time, and (3) the subdivider designates
on a plat the desired location of such connections. The charge for
sewer connections installed under this paragraph shall be one
hundred twenty-five dollars. (10-19-64; 8-17-70; 12-31-73, § 1.)

Sec. 22.1-130. Same—Outside city.

The owners of property outside the city, desiring to connect with
previously existing city sewerage lines, shall make written
application to the city manager. If the city manager approves such
application, he shall grant a permit for such connection, provided
that the owner executes a contract with the city agreeing to
comply with all city sewer and sewage disposal ordinances. (10-1964.)

Sec. 22.1-131. Reserved.

Sec. 22.1-132. Same—Applications where city water is not

Applications for sewerage shall be granted only if city water is
furnished to the property for which a sewerage connection is
requested; provided, however, that the city manager may allow a
sewerage connection to serve one or two family homes within the
city limits if city water is not available to the property in question
due to the absence of a water line in the area; provided further,
that upon approval of the city council of the terms and conditions,
sewerage may be provided applicants outside the city limits, who
are not served with city water. He shall also determine the
monthly charges for such connections which charges shall be in
keeping with those set forth in section 22.1-134. (10-19-64;
11-17-69; 8-2-71.)

Sec. 22.1-133. Same—Connections to city sewer mains of
sewer collector systems installed by private
developers; rights of city.

Before a private sewer line may be connected with the city
sewerage system, such line, including the size, location and
construction, shall be inspected and approved by the city manager
or his authorized representative. In consideration of a permit


Page 428-466
being granted to connect sewer lines with the city sewerage
system, the city shall have the right to connect other sewers with
such sewer lines without any charge being made by the owner of
the lines to the city or to the owner of any property connected
therewith. (10-19-64.)

Sec. 22.1-134. Sewer charges.

Any person having a connection, directly or indirectly, to the
city sewer system shall pay therefor a monthly charge, based
upon water consumption as follows:

(a) Consumers inside the city:

For first 300 cubic feet of water metered, or fractional part
thereof, the sewer charge shall be . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00; and,

For all water metered in excess of 300 cubic feet, the sewer
charge shall be $3.20 for each 1000 cubic feet or fractional
part thereof.

(b) Consumers outside the city:

For first 300 cubic feet of water metered, or fractional part
thereof, the sewer charge shall be . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.00; and,

For all water metered in excess of 300 cubic feet, the sewer
charge shall be $6.40 for each 1000 cubic feet or fractional
part thereof.

(c) Any person having an average monthly consumption of
water in excess of 30,000 cubic feet and not discharging the entire
volume of water used by it into the city's sanitary or storm sewer
system shall be allowed a reduction in the charges imposed
hereunder, provided such person shall install, at his expense, a
meter to record either the water which will, or will not, ultimately
reach the city sewers. The utilities committee of the city council,
may in such instances as it, in its opinion, consider the
installation of such a meter to be impractical, establish a formula
which will be calculated to


Page 466.1
require such person to pay the sewer charge only on that part
of the water used by such person which ultimately reaches
the city sewers.

(d) The director of finance shall have the right to disconnect

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Page 467
and cease furnishing water to any customer who is
delinquent in the payment of his sewer charges after the
fifteenth day subsequent to the rendering of a statement. (10-19-64;

Sec. 22.1-135. Policy on water, gas and sewer line extensions.

(a) In subdivisions or in dedicated but unaccepted streets
within city.
All water, gas and sewer lines in subdivisions or
dedicated but unaccepted streets shall be installed by the city,
after approval by the city council, and the cost thereof divided
equally between the property owner and the city. Such division of
costs to be determined on the basis of an estimate prepared by the
city engineering department prior to the installation of the
utilities, and using pipe of size and quality recommended by the
city, up to and including eight inch water, six inch gas, and eight
inch sewer. If pipe of greater size than the foregoing are required
for future extensions and growth, the extra cost shall be absorbed
by the city.

In lieu of making the cash deposit as required above, the
applicant, at his option, shall be allowed to deposit one-half
of the required amount in cash and to post a performance bond,
properly executed with corporate surety approved by the city
manager, for the remaining one-half of the required amount.

The owner of the subdivision or applicant on unaccepted street
shall be required to deposit with the city the total cost of the
utility lines, exclusive of the extra cost for the larger lines, before
any portion of the lines are installed. One-half of the amount
deposited shall be returned to the subdivider as soon as he has
completed construction of the streets within the subdivision in a
manner acceptable by the city council.

(b) In dedicated and accepted streets.

(1) Water and Gas. Each applicant for a residential water or
gas service requiring an extension of the main line in a street
heretofore accepted and maintained by the city shall be allowed a
seventy-five foot extension free of charge. Any extension beyond
the allowed seventy-five feet shall be installed by the city and the
total estimated cost thereof shall be paid for by the applicant
prior to the installation of the line. The estimated cost of the
extension shall be based on using two inch pipe, even though the


Page 468
city chooses to install a larger size pipe. In addition to the
foregoing, the applicant shall be required to pay the usual
connection charge.

(2) Sewer. Each applicant for a sewer connection requiring
an extension of the main line shall pay in advance one-half of the
estimated cost of the total extension if the extension is to serve
more than one building or potential building site. If the proposed
extension can serve only one building or site, the total estimated
cost of the line shall be paid for in advance by the applicant. In
addition to the foregoing, the applicant shall be required to pay
the usual sewer connection charge. Estimates for sewer line
extensions shall be based on using pipe not greater than eight
inches in size. (10-19-64.)

Sec. 22.1-136. City utility lines.

(a) Buildings in relation to sewer, water and gas
Buildings shall not be constructed within ten feet of any
sewer, water or gas main.

(b) Changing of depth of cover over sewer, water and gas
The depth of cover over sewer, water or gas mains, shall
not be changed without written consent of the city engineer.

Sec. 22.1-136.1 Same—Exceptions—Building between East
High Street, Maple Street and 7th Street
and 8th Street, N. W.

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 22.1-136, a building
to be constructed on a tract of land lying between East High
Street, Maple Street and 7th Street and 8th Street, N. W. may be
located over and less than ten feet from the city sanitary and
storm sewer lines; provided, such construction is performed
according to plans approved by the city engineering department
and the city is provided perpetual ingress and egress to such lines.

Sec. 22.1-136.2. Same—Same—Church on Rugby Avenue.

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 22.1-136, a church to
be constructed on Lot A of the Hardy C. Dillard property on
Rugby Avenue as shown on a plat of B. Aubrey Huffman, dated
August 6, 1964, recorded in city Deed Book


Page 468.1
259, page 69, may be located less than ten feet from the
existing city utility lines which are located within the easement
shown on such plat. The city shall have perpetual ingress
and egress to such lines as may be necessary for the
purpose of maintenance, repair or replacement of such lines.

Sec. 22.1-136.3. Adoption of state Plumbing Code.

Any of the standards and regulations contained in the state
Plumbing Code of the Commonwealth of Virginia and amendments
thereto, including the 1962 amendments, which are not
otherwise covered by the various sections of this chapter are
hereby adopted as a part of this chapter and shall be enforced
as if set forth herein. (11-20-67; 8-1-69.)