See what the bishops say in the synod of the year 845, apud
Teudonis villam, art. 4.
See the synod in the year 845, apud Teudonis villam, art. 3 and
4, which gives a very exact description of things; as also, that of the
same year, held at the palaces of Vernes, art. 12, and the synod of
Beauvais, also in the same year, art. 3, 4, and 6, in the "Capitulary in
villa Sparnaco," in the year 846, art. 20, and the letter which the
bishops assembled at Rheims wrote in 858, to Louis, King of Germany,
art. 8.
See the "Capitulary in villa Sparnaco," in the year 846. The
nobility had set the King against the bishops, insomuch that he expelled
them from the assembly; a few of the canons enacted in council were
picked out, and the prelates were told that these were the only ones
which should be observed; nothing was granted them that could be
refused. See art. 20, 21 and 22. See also the letter which the bishops
assembled at Rheims wrote in the year 858 to Louis, King of Germany,
art. 8, and the "Edict of Pistes," in the year 864, art. 5.
See this very Capitulary in the year 846, in villa Sparnaco.
See also the Capitulary of the assembly held apud Marsnam in the year
847, art. 4, wherein the clergy reduced themselves to demand only the
restitution of what they had been possessed of under Louis the
Debonnaire. See also the Capitulary of the year 851, apud Marsnam, art.
6, and 7, which confirms the nobility and clergy in their several
possessions, and that apud Bonoilum, in the year 856, which is a
remonstrance of the bishops to the king, because the evils, after so
many laws, had not been redressed; and, in fine, the letter which the
bishops assembled at Rheims wrote in the year 858, to Louis, King of
Germany, art. 8.
See the Capitulary of the year 851, art. 6 and 7.
Charles the Bald, in the Synod of Soissons, says, that he had
promised the bishops not to issue any more precepts relating to
church-lands. Capitulary of the year 853, art. 11, Baluzius's edition.
tome ii, p. 56.
See the "Capitulary of Charles the Bald," apud Saponarias, in the
year 859, art. 3. "Venilon, whom I made Archbishop of Sens, has
consecrated me; and I ought not to be expelled the kingdom by anybody."
See the "Capitulary of Charles the Bald," De Carisiaco, in the
year 857, Baluzius's edition, tome ii, p. 88, sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7.
See the synod of Pistes in the year 862, art. 4, and the
"Capitulary of Louis II," apud Vernis palatium, in the year 883, art. 4
and 5.
Capitulary of the year 876, under Charles, the Bald, in synodo
Pontigonensi, Baluzius's edition, art. 12.