University of Virginia Library

Psalme. CXIIII.

The Argument.

Here ioy is made: that Iacobs seede,
Did Ægipt scape: in luckie speede:
That led they were: by Gods great might,
To Canaan land: to them behight.

In exitu.


When Israell: from Egipt went,
Where God them held: in chastisment:
When ryd from thrall: was Iacobs house,
Of people fierce: and barbarouse.


Then Iury land: was consecrate,
True God to serue: full dedicate:
Than Israell: was hys Empire,
Hys subiect made: to rule intyre.



Which thing whan that: the sea did spye,
She fled to see: Gods power so nye:
And Iordan floud: reuersed was,
As geuyng place: hys arke to passe.


The mountaynes leapt: as Rammes full light,
Aboue the waues: th'appeard in sight:
The Hillockes eke: did skip full glad,
As Lambes in grasse: all fat bestad.


What meanst thou sea: to flee so fast?
Thou Iordan why: aback wart cast?
Was this the cause: Gods truthfull grace?
Or fathers fayth: that ye gaue place?


You Mountaynes hye: why leape ye thus?
As Rammes with fruite: most plenteous:
Ye litle hylles: why skypt ye so?
(Thys sight to see) as yong sheepe do?


At Gods bright face: the earth thus shooke,
At Iacobs Gods: most present loke,
Be whole adrad: than earth to see,
Thys puissant Lord: so nye to bee.


Whose power dyd turne: the stone to gushe,
Great water brokes: most merueylous:
The flint so hard: whence fier springth,
Euen water flouds: he made it bring.