University of Virginia Library



Stern, awful was thy mercy, Tishbite seer,
To close Heav'n's crystal doors, for three long year,
With bands of thy strong prayer, and from men's eyes
To sweep each cloud from the offended skies.
Sure our apostate land is worse than thine,
Nor know we what to seek, what to decline.
Where wast thou wafted o'er earth's azure roof,
Borne on the whirlwind wheel and fiery hoof?
From whence thou camest forth to realms of sight,
With Moses on the mount in radiant light;
And by the gifted eye of Faith wast seen
In the stern Baptist's vest and awful mien.
From Heav'n's calm mansions and ethereal cell,
Where thou beyond the summer clouds dost dwell,
Wilt thou again upon the earth appear,
In living form, or type, or vision clear,
To harbinger the great Elisha's sway,
The coming in of the eternal day?
Full much we need thee, and thy mantle strong,
To part the rising waters! Envious wrong
And filial disobedience lift on high
Their swelling waves, and seem to threat the sky.