University of Virginia Library


[Physic, of old, her entry made]


Physic, of old, her entry made,
Beneath th' immense full-bottom's shade,


While the gilt cane with solemn pride,
To each sagacious nose apply'd,
Seem'd but a necessary prop,
To bear the weight of wig at top.
But now on medical heads one views
Bags, bobs, curls, scratches, clubs, and queues!
Thus thro' extremes point-blank, things fall:
None were too great; none are too small.
Tho' fashion changes perukes so,
Has physic's self been alter'd?—No.—
Her sons pursue the course they're pat in;
Still write apothecaries Latin;
Still finger fees, with due address;
Still kill, or cure us,—more or less.