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An Hymn on Death.
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An Hymn on Death.

For certain, Lord, one day I must
Fall by the hand of death,
And turn to my origin dust,
And yield to thee my breath.
But how uncertain is the time
When death shall call on me?
It may be in my strength and prime;
Whene'er it pleaseth thee.


My times are wholly in thine hand,
My being is from thee;
Thou art my sov'reign to command,
I must submissive be.
Lord, grant me grace now to prepare
For that last enemy,
That I may be a conqueror
Through him that loved me.
Lord, take away the sting of death,
Which is the guilt of sin,
That when I must resign my breath,
With Jesus I may reign.
O Jesus, blessed be his name
To all eternity,
Who came to seek, save and redeem
Poor sinful worms like me!
How dreadful is approaching death,
Where sin's unpardoned!
The prospect of eternal wrath
Ten thousand deaths exceed:
But death unsting'd is a most sweet
Ambassador of peace,
That makes our joys to be complete,
And all our sorrows cease.
Lord, fill my soul with ev'ry grace;
O give me faith and love,
Repentance, self-denial, peace!
O set my thoughts above!
Prepare me, Lord, for death; that I,
When passing death's dark vale,
By faith on Jesus may rely,
And neither faint nor fail.