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A neew yeres gift, to the l. M. S.

Now flaming Phebus, passing through his heauenly regiō hye,
The vttrest Ethiopian folk with ferueut beams doth frye:
And with the soon, the yere also his secret race doth roon:
And Ianus, with his double face, hath it again begoon:

O thou, that art the hed of all, whom mooneths, and yeres obey:
At whose commaund bee bothe the sterres, and surges of the sea:
By powr diuine, now prosper vs this yere with good successe:
This well to lead, and many mo, vs with thy fauour blesse.
Graunt, with sound soll in body sound that here we dayly go:
And, after, in that countrey lyue, whence bannisht is all wo:
Where hoonger, thirst, and sory age, and sicknesse may not mell:
No sense perceius, no hert bethinks the ioyes, that there do dwel.