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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Iohan the Baptist this selue ȝer
bigan to preche al in Iude,
baptiȝet also fer and ner,
and tolde that forgoer was he
to Ihesu Crist, þat Marie ber,
And baptist hym, as reden we,
the eȝt Ide of Ianuer,
twelfe daies from his natiuite,
that fel þen as a Sononday,
And Monday after next suyng
lad to desert, þat nys no nay,
Of fourty daies bigan fastyng.
With þe Holi Gost lad was he
Into desert, as sais Gregory
In his 5 Omelie, leue ȝe me,
And with non eul gost witerly.
When he had fourty daies fast
After þe time he baptist was,
the deul temptide hym atte last,
As the gospelle mynde mas.
but Crist for alle þe deulis cast
ouer-come hym wel tho in þat cas,
for he supplauntide long time past
our forme fadir out of his plas.


But thagh Adam ouer-comen wer
& laft þe ioy of Paradise
thurȝe þe deul & his power,
that so ouer-come hym by coyntise,
He that was God & mon in fer
restoret hym that was warre & wys
I shal ȝou tell in quat maner,
As Gregory sais with-out fayntis.
The deul temptide vntrewly
our forme fadir al amys
with thre synnus, sais Gregory,
forto bryng hym out of blis.
The first of hom was glotery,
the secunde vaynglorie i-wys,
the thrid auarise, as say I,
thurȝe quych þe deul then made hym his.
With glotery he bigilet hym tho
quen þat he shewide hym the tre
And the fruyt of hit also
that swete & fair was forto se,
With vayn-glorie he did hym wo
quen he hiȝt hom both to be
like goddes, þer-as wer no mo
but one God & persouns thre.

Eritis sicut dii. Genesis.

In auarise thay temptide wer
quen þat he het hom forto knawe
gode & eul both in fer
by this word, þat I shal showe:

Genesis, eodem capitulo: Scientes bonum & malum.

‘Auarise,’ sais sayn Gregory,
‘sovnes not onely in monee,
but in heȝenes witerly
And couetise of gret degre;’


ffor [qven] mon wilnes gret maistry
of heȝenes or of dignite,
Gregory in his omely
sais that couetouse is he.
Thus gilet Sathan sotily
Adam foul by synnus thre,
And supposide wel þer-by
haf combride Crist, so leue ȝe me,
And tho wiles euerychone
Assaide on Crist þat ilk day,
thurȝe glotery first to be his fone
this ilke worde quen he con say:

Si filius dei es, dic vt lapides isti fiant.

‘Ȝif þou be Goddis sone,’ saide he,
‘make of thes stones brede in hie.’
ther temptid he hym, ȝe may wel se,
riȝt as Adam in glotery.
But Crist knewe wel his sotiltie,
And saide that mon lifd not only
by brede, but Goddes word most be
saule sustinauns sikerly.