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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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The Argvment.

Telemachus to Court doth call:
The wooers; and commands them all
To leaue his house: and, taking then
From wise Minerua, ship and men;
And all things fit for him beside,
That Euryclæa could prouide
For sea-rites, till he found his Sire;
He hoists saile, when heauen stoopes his fire.



The old Maids store

The voyage cheres;
The ship leaues shore,
Minerua steres.
Now when with rosie fingers, th' early borne,
And, throwne through all the aire, appear'd the morne;
Vlysses lou'd sonne from his bed appeard;
His weeds put on; and did about him gird
His sword, that thwart his shoulders hung; and tied
To his faire feete, faire shooes; and all parts plied
For speedie readinesse; who when he trod
The open earth, to men, shewd like a God.
The Heralds then, he strait charg'd to consort
The curld-head Greekes, with lowd calls to a Court.
They summon'd; th' other came, in vtmost haste;

The Greekes called to councell by Telemachus.

Who, all assembld, and in one heape plac't;
He likewse came to councell; and did beare
In his faire hand, his iron-headed speare:
Nor came alone; nor with men troopes prepar'd;
But two fleete dogs, made, both his traine, and Guard.
Pallas supplied with her high wisedomes grace,
(That all mens wants supplies) States painted face.
His entring presence, all men did admire;
Who tooke seate in the high throne of his Sire;
To which the graue Peeres gaue him reuerend way.
Amongst whom, an Ægyptian Heroe,
(Crooked with age, and full of skill) begun
The speech to all. Who had a loued sonne,
That with diuine Vlysses did ascend
His hollow fleete to Troy: to serue which end,


He kept faire horse, and was a man at Armes;
And in the cruell Cyclops sterne alarmes,
His life lost by him, in his hollow caue;
Whose entrailes open'd his abhorred graue;
And made of him (of all Vlysses traine)
His latest supper, being latest slaine.
His name was Antiphus. And this old man,
This crooked growne; this wise Ægyptian,
Had three sonnes more; of which, one riotous,
A wooer was, and calld Eurynomus;
The other two, tooke both, his owne wisht course.
Yet, both the best fates, weighd not downe the worse;
But left the old man mindfull still of mone;
Who, weeping, thus bespake the Session:
Heare, Ithacensians, all I fitly say;
Since our diuine Vlysses parting day
Neuer was councell calld, nor session;
And now, by whom is this thus vndergone?
Whom did Necessitie so much compell,
Of yong or old? Hath any one heard tell
Of any coming armie; that he thus now
May openly take boldnesse to auow?
First hauing heard it. Or will any here
Some motion for the publicke good preferre?
Some worth of note there is in this command;
And, me thinkes, it must be some good mans hand
That's put to it: that either hath direct
Meanes to assist; or, for his good affect,
Hopes to be happie in the proofe he makes;
And that, Ioue grant, what ere he vndertakes.
Telemachus (reioycing much to heare
The good hope, and opinion men did beare
Of his yong actions) no longer sat;
But longd t'approue, what this man pointed at;
And make his first proofe, in a cause so good:

Telemachus proposeth his estate to the Greekes.

And in the Councels chiefe place, vp he stood;

When strait, Pysenor (Herald to his Sire,
And learnd in counsels) felt his heart on fire,
To heare him speake; and put into his hand
The Scepter that his Father did command;
Then (to the old Ægyptian turnd) he spoke:
Father, not farre he is, that vndertooke
To call this councell; whom you soone shall know.
My selfe, whose wrongs, my griefes will make me show,
Am he that author'd this assembly here;
Nor haue I heard of any armie neare;
Of which, being first told, I might iterate;
Nor for the publicke good, can aught, relate;


Onely mine owne affaires all this procure,
That in my house a double ill endure;
One, hauing lost a Father so renownd,
Whose kind rule once, with your command was crownd:
The other is, what much more doth augment
His weightie losse, the ruine imminent
Of all my house by it, my goods all spent.
And of all this, the wooers, that are sonnes
To our chiefe Peeres, are the Confusions:
Importuning my Mothers mariage
Against her will; nor dares their blouds bold rage
Go to Icarius, her fathers Court,
That, his will askt, in kind and comely sort,
He may endow his daughter with a dowre;
And, she consenting, at his pleasures powre,
Dispose her to a man, that (thus behau'd)
May haue fit grace; and see her honor sau'd;
But these, in none but my house, all their liues
Resolue to spend; slaughtring my sheepe and beeues;
And with my fattest goates, lay feast on feast;
My generous wine, consuming as they list.
A world of things they spoile; here wanting one,
That like Vlysses, quickly, could set gone
These peace-plagues from his house, that spoile like warre.
Whom my powres are vnfit, to vrge so farre,
My selfe immartiall. But had I the powre,
My will should serue me, to exempt this houre
From out my life time. For past patience,
Base deeds are done here, that exceed defence
Of any honor. Falling is my house,
Which you should shame to see so ruinous.
Reuerence the censures, that all good men giue,
That dwell about you; and for feare to liue
Exposde to heauens wrath (that doth euer pay
Paines, for ioyes forfait) euen by Ioue I pray
Or Themis; both which, powres haue to restraine
Or gather Councels; that ye will abstaine
From further spoile; and let me onely waste
In that most wretched griefe I haue embrac't
For my lost Father. And though I am free
From meriting your outrage; yet, if he
(Good man) hath euer, with a hostile heart
Done ill to any Greeke; on me conuert
Your like hostilitie; and vengeance take
Of his ill, on my life; and all these, make
Ioyne in that iustice; but to see abusde
Those goods that do none ill, but being ill vsde,
Exceeds all right. Yet better tis for me,


My whole possessions, and my rents to see
Consum'd by you; then lose my life and all;
For on your rapine a reuenge may fall,
While I liue; and so long I may complaine
About the Citie; till my goods againe
(Oft askt) may be with all amends repaid.
But in the meane space, your mis-rule hath laid
Griefes on my bosome, that can onely speake,
And are denied the instant powre of wreake.
This said; his Scepter gainst the ground he threw,
And teares still'd from him; which mou'd all the crew:
The Court strooke silent; not a man did dare
To giue a word, that might offend his eare.
Antinous onely, in this sort replied:

Antinous to Telemachus.

High-spoken, and of spirit vnpacified;

How haue you sham'd vs, in this speech of yours?
Will you brand vs, for an offence not ours?
Your mother (first in craft) is first in cause.
Three yeares are past, and neare, the fourth now drawes,
Since first she mocked the Peeres Achaian.
All, she made hope, and promist euery man:
Sent for vs euer; left loues shew in nought;
But in her heart, conceald another thought.
Besides, (as curious in her craft) her loome
She with a web charg'd, hard to ouercome;

The wile of Penelope to her wooers.

And thus bespake vs: Youths that seeke my bed;

Since my diuine Spouse rests among the dead,
Hold on your suites, but till I end, at most
This funerall weed; lest what is done, be lost.
Besides, I purpose, that when th' austere fate
Of bitter death, shall take into his state,
Laertes the Heroe; it shall decke
His royall corse; since I should suffer checke
In ill report, of euery common dame,
If one so rich, should shew in death his shame.
This speech she vsde; and this did soone perswade
Our gentle mindes. But this, a worke she made

Telam Penelopes retexere, Prouerbium.

So hugely long; vndoing still in night

(By torches) all, she did by dayes broade light;
That three yeares her deceit, diu'd past our view;
And made vs thinke, that all she faind, was true.
But when the fourth yeare came; and those slie houres,
That still surprise at length, Dames craftiest powres;
One of her women, that knew all, disclosde
The secret to vs; that she still vnlosde
Her whole daies faire affaire, in depth of night.
And then, no further she could force her sleight,
But, of necessitie, her worke gaue end.


And thus, by me, doth euery other friend,
Professing loue to her, reply to thee;
That euen thy selfe, and all Greeks else may see,
That we offend not in our stay, but shee.
To free thy house then, send her to her Sire;
Commanding that her choice be left entire
To his election, and one settl'd will.
Nor let her vexe with her illusions still,
Her friends that woo her; standing on her wit;
Because wise Pallas hath giuen wiles to it,
So full of Art; and made her vnderstand
All workes, in faire skill of a Ladies hand.
But (for her working mind) we reade of none
Of all the old world; in which Greece hath showne
Her rarest peeces, that could equall her:
Tyro, Alcmena, and Mycena were
To hold comparison in no degree
(For solide braine) with wise Penelope.
And yet in her delayes of vs, she showes
No profits skill, with all the wit she owes;
For all this time, thy goods and victuals go
To vtter ruine; and shall euer so
While thus the Gods, her glorious mind dispose.
Glorie, her selfe may gaine; but thou shalt lose
Thy longings euen for necessary food;
For we will neuer go, where lies our good;
Nor any other where; till this delay
She puts on all, she quits with th' endlesse stay
Of some one of vs; that to all the rest
May giue free farewell with his nuptiall feast.
The wise yong Prince replide: Antinous!
I may by no meanes turne out of my house,

Telemachus to Antinous.

Her that hath brought me forth, and nourisht me.
Besides: if quicke or dead my Father be
In any region, yet abides in doubt.
And twill go hard, (my meanes being so runne out)
To tender to Icarius againe
(If he againe, my mother must maintaine
In her retreate) the dowre she brought with her.
And then, a double ill it will conferre,
Both from my Father, and from God, on me;
When (thrust out of her house) on her bent knee,
My Mother shall the horrid Furies raise
With imprecations: and all men dispraise
My part in her exposure. Neuer then
Will I performe this counsell. If your splene
Swell at my courses; once more I command
Your absence from my house. Some others hand


Charge with your banquets. On your owne goods eate;
And either other mutually intreate,
At either of your houses, with your feast.
But if ye still esteeme more sweete and best,

The word is κειρετ: κειρω signifying, insatiabili quadam edacitate voro.

Anothers spoile; so you still wreaklesse liue:

Gnaw (vermine-like) things sacred: no lawes giue
To your deuouring; it remaines that I
Inuoke each euer-liuing Deitie;
And vow if Ioue shall daigne in any date,
Powre of like paines, for pleasures so past rate;
From thenceforth looke, where ye haue reueld so,
Vnwreakt, your ruines, all shall vndergo.
Thus spake Telemachus, t'assure whose threat,


Farre-seeing Ioue, vpon their pinions set

Two Eagles from the high browes of a hill;
That, mounted on the winds, together still
Their strokes extended. But arriuing now
Amidst the Councell; ouer euery brow,
Shooke their thicke wings; and (threatning deaths cold feares)
Their neckes and cheekes tore with their eager Seres.
Then, on the Courts right-hand away they flew,
Aboue both Court and Citie: with whose view
And studie what euents they might foretell,
The Councell into admiration fell.

Halitherses an Augur.

The old Heroe, Halitherses then,

The sonne of Nestor; that of all old men
(His Peeres in that Court) onely could foresee
By flight of fowles, mans fixed destinie;
Twixt them and their amaze, this interposde:
Heare (Ithacensians) all your doubts disclosde;
The wooers most are toucht in this ostent,
To whom are dangers great and imminent.
For now, not long more shall Vlysses beare
Lacke of his most lou'd; but fils some place neare,
Addressing to these wooers, Fate and Death.
And many more, this mischiefe menaceth
Of vs inhabiting this famous Ile.
Let vs consult yet, in this long forewhile,
How to our selues we may preuent this ill.
Let these men rest secure, and reuell still:
Though they might find it safer, if with vs
They would in time preuent what threats them thus:
Since not without sure triall, I foretell
These coming stormes; but know their issue well.
For to Vlysses, all things haue euent,
As I foretold him; when for Ilion went
The whole Greeke fleete together; and with them,
Th' abundant in all counsels, tooke the streame.


I told him, that when much ill he had past,
And all his men were lost; he should at last,
The twentith yeare turne home; to all vnknowne;
All which effects are to perfection growne.
Eurymachus, the sonne of Polybus,
Opposde this mans presage, and answerd thus:
Hence, Great in yeares; go, prophecie at home;

Eurymachus excepts against the prophecie.

Thy children teach to shun their ils to come.
In these, superiour farre to thee, am I.
A world of fowles beneath the Sunne-beames flie,
That are not fit t'enforme a prophecie.
Besides, Vlysses perisht long ago,
And would thy fates to thee had destin'd so;
Since so, thy so much prophecie had spar'd
Thy wronging of our rights; which for reward
Expected, home with thee, hath summon'd vs
Within the anger of Telemachus.
But this will I presage, which shall be true,
If any sparke of anger, chance t'ensue
Thy much old art, in these deepe Auguries,
In this yong man incensed by thy lies;
Euen to himselfe, his anger shall conferre
The greater anguish; and thine owne ends erre
From all their obiects: and besides, thine age
Shall feele a paine, to make thee curse presage,
With worthy cause, for it shall touch thee neare.
But I will soone giue end to all our feare,
Preuenting whatsoeuer chance can fall,
In my suite to the yong Prince, for vs all
To send his mother to her fathers house,
That he may sort her out a worthy spouse;
And such a dowre bestow, as may befit
One lou'd, to leaue her friends, and follow it.
Before which course be, I beleeue that none
Of all the Greekes will cease th' ambition
Of such a match. For, chance what can to vs,
We, no man feare; no not Telemachus,
Though ne're so greatly spoken. Nor care we
For any threats of austere prophecie
Which thou (old dotard) vantst of so in vaine.
And thus shalt thou in much more hate remaine;
For still the Gods shall beare their ill expence;
Nor euer be disposde by competence,
Till with her nuptials, she dismisse our suites.
Our whole liues dayes shall sow hopes for such fruites.
Her vertues we contend to; nor will go
To any other, be she neuer so
Worthy of vs, and all the worth we owe.


Telemachus to the wooers.

He answerd him: Eurymachus! and all

Ye generous wooers, now, in generall;
I see your braue resolues; and will no more
Make speech of these points; and much lesse, implore.
It is enough, that all the Grecians here,
And all the Gods besides, iust witnesse beare,
What friendly premonitions haue bene spent
On your forbearance; and their vaine euent.
Yet with my other friends, let loue preuaile
To fit me with a vessell, free of saile;
And twentie men; that may diuide to me
My readie passage through the yeelding sea.
For Sparta, and Amathoon Pylos shore
I now am bound; in purpose to explore
My long lackt Father; and to trie if Fame
(Or Ioue, most author of mans honourd name)
With his returne and life, may glad mine eare;
Though toild in that proofe, I sustaine a yeare.
If dead, I heare him, nor of more state; here
(Retir'd to my lou'd countrie) I will rere
A Sepulcher to him, and celebrate
Such royall parent-rites, as fits his state.
And then, my mother to a Spouse dispose.
This said, he sat; and to the rest, arose

Mentor for Telemachus.

Mentor, that was Vlysses chosen friend;

To whom, when he set forth, he did commend
His compleate family; and whom he willd
To see the mind of his old Sire fulfild;
All things conseruing safe, till his retreate;
Who (tender of his charge; and seeing so set
In sleight care of their King, his subiects there;
Suffering his sonne, so much contempt to beare)
Thus grauely, and with zeale to him began:
No more, let any Scepter-bearing man,
Beneuolent, or milde, or humane be;
Nor in his minde, forme acts of pietie,
But euer feed on blood; and facts vniust
Commit, euen to the full swinge of his lust;
Since of diuine Vlysses, no man now
Of all his subiects, any thought doth show.
All whom, he gouernd; and became to them
(Rather then one that wore a diadem)
A most indulgent father. But (for all
That can touch me) within no enuie fall
These insolent wooers; that in violent kind,
Commit things foule, by th' ill wit of the mind;
And with the hazard of their heads, deuoure
Vlysses house; since his returning houre,


They hold past hope. But it affects me much,
(Ye dull plebeians) that all this doth touch
Your free States nothing; who (strooke dumbe) afford
These wooers, not so much wreake as a word;
Though few, and you, with onely number might
Extinguish to them the prophaned light.
Euenors sonne (Liocritus) replide;

Liocritus to Mentor.

Mentor! the railer, made a foole with pride;
What language giu'st thou? that would quiet vs,
With putting vs in storme? exciting thus
The rout against vs? who, though more then we,
Should find it is no easie victorie
To driue men, habited in feast, from feasts;
No not if Ithacus himselfe, such guests
Should come and find so furnishing his Court,
And hope to force them from so sweete a fort.
His wife should little ioy in his arriue,
Though much she want, him: for, where she, aliue
Would hers enioy; there Death should claime his rights:
He must be conquerd, that with many fights.
Thou speakst vnfit things. To their labours then,
Disperse these people; and let these two men
(Mentor and Halitherses) that so boast,
From the beginning to haue gouernd most
In friendship of the Father; to the sonne
Confirme the course, he now affects to runne.
But my mind sayes, that if he would but vse
A little patience; he should here heare newes
Of all things that his wish would vnderstand;
But no good hope for, of the course in hand.
This said; the Councell rose; when euery Peere
And all the people, in dispersion were
To houses of their owne; the wooers yet
Made to Vlysses house their old retreat.
Telemachus, apart from all the prease,
Prepar'd to shore; and (in the aged seas,
His faire hands washt) did thus to Pallas pray:

Telemachus prayes to Pallas.

Heare me (O Goddesse) that but yesterday
Didst daigne accesse to me at home; and lay
Graue charge on me, to take ship, and enquire
Along the darke seas for mine absent Sire;
Which all the Greekes oppose; amongst whom, most
Those that are proud still at anothers cost,
Past measure, and the ciuill rights of men,
(My mothers wooers) my repulse maintaine.
Thus spake he praying; when close to him came
Pallas, resembling Mentor, both in frame
Of voice and person; and aduisde him thus:


Minerua in the person of Mentor exhorts to the voyage.

Those wooers well might know; Telemachus

Thou wilt not euer weake and childish be;
If to thee be instilld the facultie
Of mind and bodie, that thy Father grac't.
And if (like him) there be in thee enchac't
Vertue to giue words works, and works their end;
This voyage, that to them thou didst commend
Shall not so quickly, as they idly weene,
Be vaine, or giuen vp, for their opposite spleene.
But if Vlysses, nor Penelope
Were thy true parents; I then hope in thee
Of no more vrging thy attempt in hand;
For few, that rightly bred on both sides stand,
Are like their parents; many that are worse;
And most few, better. Those then that the nurse,
Or mother call true borne; yet are not so;
Like worthy Sires, much lesse are like to grow.
But thou shewst now, that in thee fades not quite
Thy Fathers wisedome; and that future light
Shall therefore shew thee farre from being vnwise,
Or toucht with staine of bastard cowardize.
Hope therefore sayes, that thou wilt to the end
Pursue the braue act, thou didst erst intend.
But for the foolish wooers, they bewray
They neither counsell haue, nor soule; since they
Are neither wise nor iust; and so must needs
Rest ignorant, how blacke aboue their heads
Fate houers, holding Death; that one sole day
Will make enough to make them all away.
For thee; the way thou wishest, shall no more
Flie thee a step; I that haue bene before
Thy Fathers friend; thine likewise now will be;
Prouide thy ship my selfe, and follow thee.
Go thou then home, and sooth each wooers vaine;
But vnder hand, fit all things for the Maine;
Wine, in as strong and sweete casks as you can;
And meale, the very marrow of a man;
Which put in good sure lether sacks; and see
That with sweete foode, sweete vessels still agree.
I, from the people, straite will presse for you
Free voluntaries; and (for ships) enow
Sea-circl'd Ithaca containes, both new
And old built; all which, Ile exactly view,
And chuse what one soeuer most doth please;
Which riggd, wee'l strait lanch, and assay the seas.
This spake Ioues daughter, Pallas; whose voice heard;
No more Telemachus her charge deferd;
But hasted home; and, sad at heart, did see


Amidst his Hall, th' insulting wooers flea
Goates, and rost swine. Mongst whom, Antinous
Carelesse, (discouering in Telemachus
His grudge to see them) laught; met; tooke his hand,
And said; High spoken! with the mind so mannd;

Antinous to Telemachus.

Come, do as we do; put not vp your spirits
With these low trifles; nor our louing merits,
In gall of any hatefull purpose, sleepe;
But eate egregiously, and drinke as deepe.
The things thou thinkst on, all, at full shall be
By th' Achiues thought on, and performd to thee:
Ship, and choise Oares, that in a trice will land
Thy hastie Fleete, on heau'nly Pylos sand;
And at the fame of thy illustrous Sire.
He answerd: Men whom Pride doth so inspire,

Telemachus answers.

Are no fit consorts for an humble guest;
Nor are constraind men, merrie at their feast.
Is't not enough, that all this time ye haue
Op't in your entrailes, my chiefe goods a graue?
And while I was a child, made me partake?
My now more growth, more grown my mind doth make:
And (hearing speake, more iudging men then you)
Perceiue how much I was misgouernd now.
I now will trie, if I can bring ye home
An ill Fate to consort you; if it come
From Pylos, or amongst the people, here.
But thither I resolue; and know that there
I shall not touch in vaine. Nor will I stay,
Though in a merchants ship I stere my way:
Which shewes in your sights best; since me ye know
Incapable of ship, or men to row.
This said; his hand he coily snatcht away
From forth Antinous hand. The rest, the day
Spent through the house with banquets; some with iests,
And some with railings, dignifying their feasts.
To whom, a iest-proud youth, the wit began:
Telemachus will kill vs euery man.
From Sparta, or the very Pylian sand,
He will raise aides to his impetuous hand.

The wit of the wooers vpon the purpose of Telemachus to seeke his Father.

O he affects it strangely! Or he meanes
To search Ephyras fat shores; and from thence
Bring deathfull poisons; which amongst our bow'ls
Will make a generall shipwracke of our soules.
Another said: Alas who knowes, but he
Once gone; and erring like his Sire at sea,
May perish like him, farre from aide of friends?
And so he makes vs worke; for all the ends
Left of his goods here, we shall share; the house


Left to his mother, and her chosen Spouse.
Thus they. While he a roome ascended, hie
And large, built by his Father; where did lie
Gold and brasse heapt vp; and in coffers were
Rich robes; great store of odorous oiles; and there
Stood Tuns of sweete old wines, along the wall;
Neate and diuine drinke, kept to cheare withall
Vlysses old heart, if he turnd againe
From labors fatall to him to sustaine.
The doores of Planke were; their close exquisite,
Kept with a double key; and day and night
A woman lockt within; and that was she,
Who all trust had for her sufficiencie.
Old Euryclea, (one of Opis race,
Sonne to Pisenor, and in passing grace

Telemachus to Euryclea.

With gray Minerua:) her, the Prince did call;

And said, Nurse! draw me the most sweete of all
The wine thou keepst; next that, which for my Sire,
Thy care reserues, in hope he shall retire.
Twelue vessels fill me forth, and stop them well.
Then into well-sewd sacks, of fine ground meale,
Powre twentie measures. Not to any one
But thou thy selfe, let this designe be knowne.
All this see got together; I, it all
In night will fetch off, when my mother shall
Ascend her high roome, and for sleepe prepare.
Sparta and Pylos, I must see, in care
To find my Father. Out Euryclea cried,

Eurycleas answer.

And askt with teares: Why is your mind applied

(Deare sonne) to this course? whither will you go?
So farre off leaue vs? and beloued so?
So onely? and the sole hope of your race?
Royall Vlysses, farre from the embrace
Of his kind countrie; in a land vnknowne
Is dead; and you (from your lou'd countrie gone)
The wooers will with some deceit assay
To your destruction; making then their prey
Of all your goods. Where, in your owne y'are strong,
Make sure abode. It fits not you so yong,
To suffer so much by the aged seas,
And erre in such a waylesse wildernesse.

Telemachus comforts Euryclea.

Be chear'd (lou'd nurse, said he) for not without

The will of God, go my attempts about.
Sweare therefore, not to wound my mothers eares
With word of this; before from heauen appeares
Th' eleuenth or twelfth light; or her selfe shall please
To aske of me; or heares me put to seas;
Lest her faire bodie, with her woe be wore.


To this, the great oath of the Gods, she swore;
Which, hauing sworne; and of it, euery due
Performd to full: to vessels, wine she drew;
And into well sewd sacks powr'd foodie meale;
In meane time he (with cunning to conceale
All thought of this from others) himselfe bore
In broade house, with the wooers, as before.
Then grey-eyd Pallas, other thoughts did owne;

The care of Minerua for Telemachus.

And (like Telemachus) trod through the Towne;
Commanding all his men, in th' euen to be
Aboord his ship. Againe then question'd she
Normon (fam'd for aged Phronius sonne)
About his ship; who, all things to be done,
Assur'd her freely should. The Sunne then set,
And sable shadowes slid through euery streete,
When forth they lancht; and soone aboord did bring
All Armes, and choice of euery needfull thing,
That fits a well-riggd ship. The Goddesse then
Stood in the Ports extreame part; where, her men
(Nobly appointed) thicke about her came,
Whose euery breast, she did with spirit enflame.
Yet still fresh proiects, laid the grey-eyd Dame.
Strait, to the house she hasted; and sweete sleepe
Powr'd on each wooer; which so laid in steepe
Their drowsie temples, that each brow did nod,
As all were drinking; and each hand his lode
(The cup) let fall. All start vp, and to bed;
Nor more would watch, when sleepe so surfeted
Their leaden ey-lids. Then did Pallas call
Telemachus, (in bodie, voice, and all
Resembling Mentor) from his natiue nest:
And said, that all his arm'd men were addrest
To vse their Oares; and all expected now
He should the spirit of a souldier show.
Come then (said she) no more let vs deferre
Our honor'd action. Then she tooke on her
A rauisht spirit, and led as she did leape;
And he her most haste, tooke out, step by step.
Arriu'd at sea, and ship; they found ashore
The souldiers, that their fashiond long haire wore;
To whom, the Prince said: Come, my friends; let's bring

Telemachus to his souldiers.

Our voyages prouision: euery thing
Is heapt together in our Court; and none
(No not my mother, nor her maids) but one
Knowes our intention. This exprest; he led;
The souldiers close together followed;
And all together brought aboord their store.
Aboord the Prince went; Pallas still before


Sat at the Sterne: he close to her; the men
Vp, hasted after. He, and Pallas then,
Put from the shore. His souldiers then he bad
See all their Armes fit; which they heard; and had.


A beechen Mast then, in the hollow base

They put, and hoisted; fixt it in his place
With cables; and with well-wreath'd halfers hoise
Their white sailes; which gray Pallas now employes
With full and fore-gales, through the darke deep maine.

κυμα πυρφυρεον:

The purple waues (so swift cut) roar'd againe

Against the ship sides, that now ranne, and plowd
The rugged seas vp. Then the men bestowd
Their Armes about the ship; and sacrifice
With crownd wine cups, to th' endlesse Deities,
They offerd vp. Of all yet thron'd aboue,
They most obseru'd the grey-eyd seed of Ioue:
Who from the euening, till the morning rose,
And all day long, their voyage did dispose.
Finis libri secundi Hom. Odyss.